Learn How To Avoid Stretch Marks When Losing Weight

If you in the process or about to begin the process of reducing your body weight you will be interested in learning how to avoid stretch marks when losing weight.

The reason stretch marks form is due to the level of your skin’s elasticity. The more moisturized your skin is the more elasticity it has. This means it will stretch properly when pulled out by weight or gravity. Proper stretching of the skin includes it not creating a mark at a stress point while being stretched.

Keeping your skin properly moisturized is key in knowing how to avoid stretch marks when loosing weight. When moisture is added to your skin’s surface and allowed to penetrate below the surface; it is being correctly hydrated. You need to moisturize your skin daily to get the right results.

When skin is properly hydrated it can rebuild collagen. Healthy collagen forming in skin, is what allows both stretch marks and wrinklies to be plumped up. This means grooves and marks on the skin lose their appearance or they do not form at all.

Just as important as to how often you hydrate your skin is what are using to hydrate your skin. There are several products on the market which claim they can reduce or prevent stretch marks; but they are really just snake oil. They may have some of the ingredients you need to correctly hydrate skin such as essential oils, however they usually do not carry enough of the oils to show any results when used.

You want to hydrate your skin with pure fill concentrate essential oils. You will want to go to your local health foods store to find those that contain aloe vera, vitamin E, and jojoba oil. Once you get these oils rub them into your skin everyday, so the moisture and healing properties of these oils will penetrate deep below your skins surface. Be sure to do this to prevent stretch marks, while losing weight, to prevent future stretch marks.

Other steps you will want to take in the battle against stretch marks is being sure to drink enough water each day. If you are on a weight loss program then you should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. This practice will not only help you lose weight but it will aid in hydrating skin from the inside out.

Since you are already eating healthy for the cause of weight loss it should be easy for you to incorporate healthy foods into your diet which will moisturize your skin from the inside. Foods you will want to eat too stop stretch marks from forming while losing weight are raw fruits, nuts,and vegetables.

Taking vitamin E supplements will go a long way in the prevention of stretch marks during weight loss. This is because vitamin E is a natural skin repairing element. By taking vitamin E you are pumping up your skins ability to repair and prevent damage such as stretch marks.

Be sure to stick with a skin care routine to prevent the formation of stretch markings while experiencing weight loss. Your diligence and patience will result in beautiful, smooth skin.

Hoodia Gordonii Complex

Weight Loss With Exercise

Too many people want to get something for nothing, that’s the way our society is, particularly when it comes to weight loss. There are too many different types of supplements to even talk about in this one short article, some will work better than others. Some people will have great results with one while others won’t find any benefit at all. One of the supplements that has shown very promising and with which people have had enormous success is the hoodia gordonii complex.

The hoodia plant contains a molecule that has been shown to help trigger the ‘full’ response in the brain. Your body receives the message that it’s full and doesn’t need any more food much sooner than if you weren’t taking the supplement. That means that you eat less with every single meal than you would without the supplement. Many people have even found that using hoodia can help them decrease their emotional eating as well by suppressing their desire to eat, even when they aren’t hungry.

A study took a group of overweight patients and gave half the group a placebo and the other half hoodia. The people in the study were encouraged to live a sedentary lifestyle for the 15 day study, and eat as much as they wanted. After the 15 days were up the people who were taking the hoodia had consumed around 1,000 calories per day less than those who were taking the placebo.

There are many variations of Hoodia and many products on the market that say they contain Hoodia, but it does matter how much Hoodia they have in the product. Unless the supplement has enough Hoodia in it, you won’t get the desired results. For the most benefit, most people would need a minimum of 400 mg of Hoodia to help them control their appetite. If the supplement you are considering can’t provide you with that much, keep looking and find a different supplement.

Hoodia can also contain up to 250 mg of magnesium which can also work with your body and help with weight loss. Today our diets are made up of many types of starches such as pastas, bread, and cereals, none of which are a good source of magnesium. A lack of magnesium can contribute to your body not functioning the way it should and make it easier for you to hold on to excess weight even when you try to diet and exercise.

Hoodia gordonii complex is an ingredient that can really help you ramp up your weight loss efforts. The many benefits such as appetite suppressant, added magnesium, and helping you to curb your emotional binge eating can help you achieve your weight loss goals once and for all. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that all you have to do is to take a pill and you’re done. If you truly want to be healthy your body will need to move and get plenty of exercise, plenty of quality foods, plenty of water and plenty of sleep. When you get all of those aspects dialed in weight loss and maintaining that weight loss will become much easier.

You should consult with your personal health care provider prior too taking any weight loss supplement.

Home Cleanse

As we become more and more aware of what all the chemicals we use in our daily lives can do to our bodies, we are also becoming more aware of the importance of getting rid of these toxic chemicals from our bodies. To that end many of us use various cleansing methods. Some people prefer to do a home cleanse and do this cleanse in the privacy of their own home.

These cleanses have shown to rid the body of a buildup of toxins that can be taken into our systems in the food we eat, what we drink and even in the air we breathe.

A cleanse on a regular basis can be a terrific way of purging these toxins from your body. When it comes to doing a home cleanse you have several options.

Before you do a cleanse, though, make sure you get your doctors OK. This is especially important if you have existing medical conditions or you are currently taking any prescription medications.

Here are some of the most common methods for doing a cleanse in the privacy of your own home:

1. The first type of cleaning available is the herbal cleanse. These are pills or tablets that contain one or more herbal extracts. These pills claim to allow you to thoroughly clean out your colon, you will find that you are spending a lot of time in the bathroom.

Since these types of cleanse will often result in diarrhea, make sure that you stay hydrated and don’t go too far away from a bathroom during your cleanse!

2. Going on a fruit and vegetable liquid cleanse fast for several days is also a common option. There are many cleansing recipes online for this type of drink. Most recipes will consist of a combination of fruit and vegetables and should provide you with adequate nutrition for a few days.

During the cleanse you don’t eat solid foods, you just drink the juice mixture. Again, you will probably find that you are spending a lot of time in the bathroom so stick close and make sure you stay well hydrated.

3. Some people recommend doing a colon cleanse with water but there are risks associated with this type of cleanse, a perforation in the colon that can be a very serious and possibly deadly problem is just one of the.

Since this can be a very dangerous procedure if you don’t know what you are doing, I would recommend against doing this type of cleanse at home.

Though, I’m not a doctor and can’t give you medical advice, I think you should think twice before trying this type of cleanse at home. As I said above, before you do any type of cleanse make sure you have your doctors approval.

If you are concerned about the possible build up of toxins in your system and are contemplating doing a cleanse (and you have talked to your doctor and gotten her approval) than try one of the cleanses listed here.

A home cleanse might be just the thing to help you rid your body of parasites and toxins. It can also be a good way to jump start a weight loss plan.

Hip Weight Loss

Women, in particular, tend to carry excess fat in the butt, hip and thigh area. While it’s true that you can’t totally « spot reduce » and just lose weight from one small area of the body, it is possible to combine a few elements for hip weight loss.

You see, no matter what part of the body you want to lose weight it will take more than just some form of exercise, though exercise is needed too, it will also take nutrition factors.

To get the most out of your hip weight loss efforts you really need to combine the elements of good nutrition along with elements of consistent cardiovascular exercise along with specific exercises that target the region you want to focus on.

Don’t worry if it sounds hard, it really isn’t. With a few simple changes you can get your body in the kind of shape you want it to be in in just a few weeks.

Here are some steps to follow:

1. Target your diet first. Make sure you are eating a lot of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. If you eat meat stay mainly with chicken, fish and seafood. If you get a craving for a burger or a steak, by all means go for it, just don’t have red meat more than a few times a week.

2. Drink plenty of water. This can help in many ways. For one thing, it will help flush your body of excess toxins which can help your body run more efficiently (which may increase your metabolism).

Of course, drinking enough water will also ensure that you don’t get dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to a sluggish metabolism, as well as dry skin and hair. Even mild dehydration can have a huge impact on your body.

And lastly, drinking a lot of water will help you stay feeling full for longer. That means you won’t be as likely to eat as much and you will be able to lose weight a little more easily.

3. Get some exercise. It’s important that you do both cardiovascular exercise (the kind that gets your heart rate up like walking, jogging, swimming, biking, etc.) along with weight lifting exercises.

This combination is very important because cardio and weight training each do different things for your body. Cardio will allow you to build up your heart and lungs and increase the overall strength and health of these vital organs.

Weight training will allow you to build your lean muscle mass. That does not mean you will get big, if you’re a women you will not accidentally bulk up.

What it does mean is that your lean muscle mass will help you appear smaller, more toned and it will burn much more fat all day everyday… no matter what you are doing at the time.

You may not realize it, but the fitness and weight loss industry is a billion dollar industry. There are supplements, fitness drinks, gadgets, etc. to help you lose weight.

Some of them work and some don’t. But, you really don’t need those things for hip weight loss. All you really need are the tips I’ve talked about here and the ok from your doctor.

Herbal Cleanse

As a society, we have become more aware of the effects of years of chemical use has had on our bodies. More and more of us are wondering why so many health problems are becoming more common, not less common. With so many chemicals in everything we eat and drink, it’s easy to see how that can have a negative impact on us. To get rid of these toxins we can do an
herbal cleanse.

Whether we get toxins in our food our drink or from our bad habits, such as drinking alcohol or smoking, we get a lot of toxins into our bodies every single day. Doing an herbal cleanse several times a year may be just the way to get the toxins out of our bodies and keep our bodies running smoothly.

Herbs have been used since the beginning of time to cleanse the body and heal. Herbs such as senna, frankincense, cumin, honey and juniper have been some of the most commonly recognized herbs for this purpose.

Such common health issues as constipation, stomach upset, cramps, irritable bowel syndrome and many others are often thought to be the result of too many toxins in our bodies (there may well be other causes of these conditions, but the build up of toxins can make them worse and be a contributing factor in many cases).

By using all natural herbal products to cleanse your body and get rid of toxins you can gain many health benefits such as an increase in energy levels, less frequent illness, regular bowel movements and a lot more.

A good herbal cleansing product will be made from organically grown herbs. Milk thistle, for example, is often used to improve liver function and dandelion root is used to improve the overall health of your kidneys, olive leaf can improve your immune function.

Most practitioners recommend cleansing a few times throughout the year to keep the buildup of toxins down to a minimum. But, if you are feeling sluggish, suffering from constipation or are getting sick frequently, it may be time to cleanse.

Also consider your environment when trying to determine how often you should cleanse. If you are engaged in a profession where you come into contact with a lot of chemicals you may want to cleanse a little more often.

If you live or work in a big city or next to a factory you may need a to cleanse a little more frequently. Pay attention to what your body is telling you and listen to it.

Most people consider cleansing to be safe but you should always consult with your doctor before undertaking any type of herbal procedure.

Sometimes herbal supplements can interact negatively with other medications you may be taking. And, as always, if you are a pregnant women or a nursing women definitely talk to your doctor before you make any changes in your life.

Many people swear by the positive health benefits of an herbal cleanse, talk to your doctor and if she says it’s ok, give it a shot yourself.

Healing Cleanse

Information About The Cleanse

It’s easy to get confused when you are trying to decide what type of cleanse to use. Since so much of what we see and hear is actually just good advertising how do you know if the product is actually any good? The Healing Cleanse is one of those possible choices, here is a little more information for you to make your choice.

Most cleanses only contain a miniscule amount of fiber, maybe some cleansing herbs and some filler. That’s about it in many cases. Most of us would not consider that to be a real quality product.

You probably already know it but we all take in too many toxins in our day to day lives. We can get a lot of chemicals into our bodies every day. Chemicals that are in our foods, in our water and even in the personal care items we use.

The next time you wash your hair or put on lotion you will be exposed to a lot of chemicals. These chemicals can and do build up over a period of time. To increase your likelihood of staying healthy you will want to rid your body of these toxins.

You can’t just do it once and hope for the best, you will need to do it on a regular basis to keep the toxins from building back up again. Of course, there are other things you can do in your life that will make it easier to keep the toxin buildup to a minimum.

Before you use any cleanse it makes sense for you to talk to your doctor. Even all natural herbal remedies can have an interaction with other forms of medication.

You can also have a problem taking herbal supplements if you have any medical conditions. For these reasons, you should always check with your primary doctor before you start any new products.

The healing cleanse is a 7 day intensive cleanse. This cleanse involves several steps in the process. Early in the morning, before you eat, you will take the Intestinal Drawing Formula. Than with breakfast you will take the Vitamineral, Liver Rescue and Intestinal Movement formula.

Next, about an hour after breakfast, you will take the ZeoForce mixture. Then, a half hour before lunch, you will take the Intestinal Drawing formula.

With your lunch you take the Intestinal Movement, Vitamineral Green, Earth and Liver Rescue. Next, an hour after lunch take the Zeo Force.

With dinner you will take all the same things you took with the lunch except you will take the Internal Parasite formula instead of the Vitamineral Green.

About an hour after dinner you will take the Intestinal Drawing Formula.

This is the basic steps to the cleanse. There are more details on the instructions, which of course you want to read very carefully.

If you are thinking of trying a cleanse you may want to consider looking into the Healing Cleanse. Find out more about it so you can decide if it is the best option for you.

Green Tea Weight Loss Diet

Green tea has been enjoyed by Asian cultures for many centuries. People in the West tend to think of it as nothing more than a beverage, but those in the East have long recognized its beneficial health properties. Historically, obesity was not a major problem in countries that drank the most tea, and modern researchers are starting to endorse a green tea weight loss diet.

We need to mention a few things before we get to how green tea can help you lose weight. You should always check with your personal doctor before making any changes to your regular diet, or before starting a weight loss plan. Your doctor will know your health history, and will also be aware of the latest research. Always follow your doctor’s advice.

One of the best things about drinking green tea for weight loss is that it has virtually no calories (less than 5 calories per cup). However, you need to make sure that you’re not adding cream or sugar, which will only add extra calories, and that won’t help you to lose weight. Other than that, you can enjoy several cups of tea a day without worrying about how it will influence your weight.

Another benefit of a green tea weight loss diet is that you will feel fuller throughout the day. The liquid not only takes up room in your stomach, but there also appears to be chemicals in green tea that tell your brain that your stomach is full. You will be much less likely to eat more food than you should when you feel satisfied.

Some researchers have found evidence that green tea can boost metabolism. That means your body will be more efficient at burning calories. Even the smallest boost to your body’s metabolism will have a positive impact on weight loss. The best part is that this boosting effect may last for a few hours after drinking tea.

While researchers aren’t entirely sure, some people have also claimed that green tea alters the absorption of fat. If this can be proven it would be promising. Imagine being able to the foods you love, and then sipping green tea to minimize how much fat you absorb. More research needs to be done, but if it’s shown to be true, then that’s another good reason to drink tea.

A green tea weight loss diet is very flexible, as it’s really about adding a few cups of green tea to your routine. Now, that doesn’t mean you can eat anything you want without worry. You should still try to eat healthier foods and engage in physical activity on a regular basis. That being said, drinking green tea appears to have several positive effects on losing weight, and that makes it an ideal beverage if you are trying to shed a few extra pounds.

Green Tea Health Benefits

In many parts of the world, tea has been a popular beverage for a very long time. It is only recently, however, that its popularity has grown in other countries as well. People in Asia enjoy it not only as a beverage, but also as veritable cure-all for many different ailments. Western medicine typically scoffed at the supposed green tea health benefits, and thought they were based more on superstition than anything else.

Recently, researchers in the west have started doing scientific studies in regards to the potential health benefits of tea. What they are finding is that green tea shows plenty of promise when it comes to promoting good health. As more and more studies are done, researchers are starting to see that these other cultures may have been onto something all along.

Now is a good time to mention that all tea is derived from the same plant. The only difference is how each variety is processed. For example, black tea is fermented, and green tea is not. All varieties of tea provide some benefit, but it appears that the green tea health benefits are the best.

Some of the traditional uses for tea include the treatment of food poisoning, aiding digestive problems and curing headaches. However, it was the lower incidence of some forms of cancer that got western researchers interested in studying green tea. Early studies in China showed that men who drank green tea on a regular basis were less likely to get cancer than those who didn’t drink green tea.

Many of the green tea health benefits are due to its natural antioxidant properties. It appears that the tea plant is loaded with EGCG, a type of catechin polyphenol. It does an excellent job of attacking free radicals in the body and promotes healthy cell growth at the same time. There is evidence that this is why green tea may be able to do things such as lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of some forms of cancer.

Obesity is a growing epidemic, but drinking green tea is a great way to help control weight problems. It makes the stomach feel fuller, and that leads to eating fewer calories overall. It also boosts metabolism, which means your body will be burning calories at a faster rate. The best part is that this effect lasts for several hours after drinking green tea. Furthermore, a cup of green tea has less than five calories, so you won’t be adding to your daily caloric intake.

While green tea has a lot of benefits, it does contain some caffeine. If you are sensitive to caffeine, or have a condition that prohibits you from having caffeine, then you should avoid green tea. At the very least, be sure to talk to your doctor to see if the benefits outweigh the risks.

With all of the green tea health benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more people are drinking this amazing beverage.

Green Tea Benefits

Tea has been around for many centuries, and has been admired for its medicinal qualities as well as being a tasty beverage. The good news is that it doesn’t matter why you drink it, you will enjoy all of the green tea benefits. While Eastern medicine has long understood just how amazing tea is, it has only been recently that Western researchers have started to look into it.

Various studies have been conducted around the world, and while more research still needs to be done, it appears that some of the benefits of green tea include the following:

1. Losing weight: Green tea does a few things to help you lose weight. It helps burn fat, speeds up metabolism, and helps you to feel fuller. All of these things combine to make tea a powerful ally whenever you are trying to lose weight.

2. Blood sugar regulation: It seems that green tea changes the way the body absorbs sugar. There is also some evidence to suggest that it helps with insulin production as well, and that’s good news for people suffering from Type I diabetes.

3. Cholesterol: Green tea works in the intestinal tract to lower how much cholesterol the body absorbs. Based on current understanding, having too much cholesterol is a risk factor for developing heart disease. That means that another of the possible green tea benefits is improved heart health.

4. Antioxidants: Green tea is loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants attack free radicals in the body, which have been shown to cause all sorts of health problems. To put it in simple terms, green tea can improve your overall health.

5. Cancer: While it is not fully understood, it seems as though the polyphenols contained in green tea help to reduce the risk of cancer. On top of that, when population data is compared, those areas with the highest consumption of green tea seem to also have lower rates of some types of cancer.

6. Liver function: This is one of those areas where Eastern and Western medicine are still not in complete agreement, however, they both agree that the liver filters toxins from the body. So, it makes sense that anything that could promote this function would allow the body to remove even more toxins, and that would lead to better health. Some believe that green tea helps to absorb heavy metals from the bloodstream, giving the liver a chance to filter more toxins.

7. Stress relief: Regular tea drinkers often feel that this is the best of the green tea benefits. While it may not be scientific, there is no question that sipping a cup of tea and being lost in thought is a great way to relieve the stress of the day.

With all it has going for it, green tea is an excellent beverage for any number of reasons. Perhaps that’s why more and more people are drinking it.

Green Tea And Weight Loss

If you ever go to the store to shop for weight loss supplements, you will find various green tea extracts right next to the other supplements. Perhaps that comes as somewhat of a surprise to you, or maybe you are aware of some connection between green tea and weight loss. It doesn’t really matter either way; what really matters is finding something that is effective at helping you to get rid of some extra pounds. Before you drink green tea or choose a supplement that contains green tea, you should understand why it’s so useful in helping people to lose weight.

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence as to green tea’s ability to help people lose weight. It’s hard to argue with somebody else’s results, but there is always a chance that it was other things that caused them to lose weight. The only way to know for sure is to do scientific or medical studies. That way any potential effects of green tea can be isolated.

Researchers have been looking into the connection between green tea and weight loss, and the results are quite exciting so far. It should be mentioned that green tea contains caffeine, so you should avoid it if you have any health conditions that prevent you from drinking. Also, you should always check with your personal doctor before making any major changes to your diet.

The first exciting finding is that green tea may boost your metabolism. There is evidence that the polyphenols in tea will increase the metabolic rate by as much as 4 percentage points for as long as twenty-four hours. That may not sound like a lot, but anything you can use to your advantage to lose weight is a good idea. It also adds up over time.

The next finding in regards to green tea and weight loss is that it can reduce your appetite. Again, it seems as though the polyphenols help to suppress the appetite. If you feel full, then you won’t fill up on other food that contains a lot of calories.

Another interesting finding is that the caffeine and theanine in green tea seem to regulate how your body absorbs and stores fat. It also regulates blood sugar levels. So, having a cup of green tea during and after each meal can have a positive impact on your weight.

So far we have seen that green tea can boost metabolism, make you feel full and improve how your body stores fat. Those three things, when combined, make green tea and weight loss a good team. It still gets better, though. A s long as you don’t anything to it, a cup of green tea is virtually free of calories. That means you can enjoy all of the benefits while sipping a soothing cup of tea and feel good about doing it.

Ejuva Cleanse

If you decide that you want to try a cleansing product to either jump start a diet or to rid your body of a build up of toxins, one of the biggest « challenges » you are likely to face is finding the best type of cleanse to use. If you are interested in using the Ejuva Cleanse product, here is some information you might find interesting.

The Ejuva Cleanse is used as a way to rid your body of toxins that can build up as a result of your diet and other environmental conditions. It is formulated to cleanse the bloodstream, intestines, organs and cells of the body.

This is a four stage method. Each stage will last about one week. It is up to each individual user to determine which stage of cleanse they should use.

In the first stage of the cleanse, the initial phase, you will prepare your body for a deep cleanse. For anyone who is using this cleanse for the first time, for people who eat a lot of red meat, or people will chronic health problems, this is the stage you should start at.

With this phase you will be allowed to eat 3 meals a day.

During the second phase you will eat two meals a day, and you will still be cleansing during this time.

On phase three, you will eat one meal daily which will really encourage a deep cleanse. Most people will not go much further than the 3rd phase.

For those who want it, there is a phase four. This is the most intense phase of the whole program. During this phase no food will be eaten.

Doing the occasional cleanse to keep your body free of toxins can do a lot to hel you function better. You can gain more energy and sometimes even lower your blood pressure, and in some cases increase your overall health.

But, you may also make some simple lifestyle changes to keep most of the toxins out of your system in the first place. One of the easiest things you can do is to drink plenty of water. This one simple thing will make a big difference for most people.

Another thing you can do is try to eat less red meat and processed foods. Eating whole foods, especially organic foods, can make a big difference on your overall health.

Even though it may not sound reasonable or obvious, but just by getting more exercise can make a big difference too. Anything that you can do to keep your body healthy is a good thing.

If you feel that a cleanse is the best option for you, you do have a lot of choices. Many of them include some type of herbal supplement cleanse. If you want to to use an herbal cleanse than find the one that has the best reviews you can find.

Many people have had excellent success with the Ejuva Cleanse and you may too. This article should give you a good idea of what it is and what to expect. If you want more information, just check out the sites online.

Dual Action Cleanse Review

Today we are hearing more and more about using natural remedies to improve our lives and stay healthy. One popular idea is to cleanse your body periodically to purge toxins in order to allow your body to function more optimally. There are many products around that claim to help you do a cleanse, this article will provide a Dual Action Cleanse Review.

This natural product was specifically designed to clean out excess toxins from your body. Many of us have diets that are less than optimal… to say the least. For this reason we need to keep all of this from building up in our systems.

Some of this food can become impacted and will not be totally eliminated from our bodies. If that happens you may be carrying around an excess amount of impacted fecal matter in your colon… yuck!

This Dual Action Cleanse Review will let you know how well this product will allow you to get clean from the inside out.

There are two main components to Dual Action Cleanse, hence the name: the body purifier and the colon clear. The whole focus of this product is to clear excess buildup of fecal matter from the colon without creating the diarrhea so often associated with cleansing products.

Dual Action Cleanse may help you clear out all the toxins that have accumulated in your colon and organs. You can detoxify your liver and kidneys using this product according to the manufacturer.

This can result in more energy, less occurrences of constipation, and even clearer skin in some cases. There are many benefits associated with ridding your body of a buildup of toxic fecal matter.

On the negative side, since this product contains the same types of ingredients you would find in laxatives, it can have the same impact on your body as a laxative would.

Another possible side effect, though fairly rare in occurrence, is a feeling of fatigue. This can leave you feeling a little like you need to have your batteries recharged.

Troubles such as bloating, cramping, nausea, abdominal pain are possible side effects. Though these are said to happen rarely, it is still possible and you will only be able to find out how you will react by actually taking the product.

We are all different and we all react differently so you may or may not experience some or all of these possible negative side effects.

And of course, always talk to your doctor before you take any type of supplement, natural or not. We often think that all natural means all good, and for the most part that is true. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t still have negative reactions or negative interactions with other prescriptions we are taking.

Sometimes even all natural remedies can also have a negative impact on a pre existing condition. That is why you should always talk to your doctor before starting with something new.

If you are considering doing a cleanse, keep this Dual Action Cleanse review in mind. It might help.

Detoxifying Cleanse

I’m pretty sure I’m not giving away any secrets when I tell you that there are a lot of chemicals around us today. In the foods we eat, the air we breathe and even the water we drink (not to mention in our clothes) we come into contact with a lot of chemicals all the time. As you can imagine, these chemicals can build up and therefore doing a detoxifying cleanse can help us stay healthier.

Of course, we have a lot of control over what we come into contact with. While we may not have much control in what is in the air or in our food we can make better choices in the things we put in our bodies.

Don’t add to the pollution you are putting into your body by drinking alcohol or smoking. Also, cut down on the foods that you eat that you probably shouldn’t be eating.

Fried foods, overly processed junk foods and foods high in fat are good things to stay away from. Think of eating more whole foods instead of processed foods.

Also, eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water. There are some simple things you can do to make sure you body gets fewer toxins which may mean that you will need a detoxifying cleanse less often.

One of the most common types of cleanse is the juice diet cleanse. This process is quite easy for anyone to do: you simply drink a juice recipe throughout your day. You don’t eat any solid foods while you are doing the cleanse.

The average length of time for the cleanse if from 1 to 3 days. During that time you will drink this juice mixture throughout your day. After several days your body will have purged itself of any unwanted toxins.

There are many variations of this juice recipe online. Many of them will contain some odd sounding ingredients such as Cayenne pepper or lemon juice. Follow the recipes though because the ingredients are specifically designed to provide you with nutrition while allowing your body to purge itself of toxins.

As always, consult with your doctor before you decide to undertake any type of cleanse or start taking any type of herbs. Most people think that herbs are safe, and they are, but that doesn’t meant that they may not interact with some prescription medications you are taking. Talk to your doctor first.

Many people have reported achieving wonderful outcomes as a result of doing an herbal cleanse. Things such as constipation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels have all been shown to have been positively impacted by a cleanse and there are a lot of people who highly recommend doing a cleanse.

Herbal remedies have been around since the start of recorded history. Many cultures still rely on them today. If you want to keep your body functioning to it’s fullest potential, you may want to consider using some of these remedies yourself.

If you think that you may benefit from doing an detoxifying cleanse once or twice a year, and your doctor says you can, then keep some of this information in mind. Good luck.

Cleansing Toxins

Purge Your Body Of Toxins

Today, you may have been hearing a lot more about cleansing and purging your body of all the buildup of toxins. It’s really not that new of an idea, but it is becoming more popular in the West. If you are looking for more information on how Cleansing toxins out of your system can help… read on.

The whole method behind Cleansing toxins out of your body is a step by step process. It will involve more than just taking a pill. It will need to be done, depending on the type of cleanse you choose, for anywhere from one to three days in most cases. It should also be done several times throughout the year for optimal results.

Most of the most popular cleanses involve taking some sort of liquid mixture. Generally these mixtures will consist of a variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables. All of which are combined to accomplish two things: one, to help your body rid itself of excess toxins and fecal buildup, and two, to help your body stay nourished throughout the cleanse.

Most cleanses will involve a certain amount of fasting. You will only drink your meals by drinking the mixture mentioned above. You will cut way back on or completely cut solid food from your diet during the time you are on the cleanse.

Of course, if this sounds kind of intense, it is. For that reason, and a few others, you want to make sure you talk to your doctor before you undertake any cleanse.

Even all natural herbal supplements can have a negative impact on you if they are combined with certain prescription or non prescription medications.

Some herbs may also have an impact on certain medical conditions. For there reasons, make sure you talk to your doctor before you start any type of cleanse or diet.

And, if you think you don’t need to cleanse because you aren’t overweight or in poor health, you may want to think again. No matter how healthy we try to be in our day to day lives, no one can guarantee that we don’t ingest many potentially toxic chemicals.

Chemicals are everywhere today from the food and water we eat and drink to all of our personal care products and even in the air we breathe. Even with exceptional lifestyle habits, it would be virtually impossible to completely cut all toxic sources from your life.

If you are thinking of using some sort of cleanse to help rid your body of a buildup of toxins and / or a buildup of impacted fecal matter, there are a lot of different types of cleanses you can consider.

In most cases it’s best to do some research, find a couple of cleanses that you like and then discuss the various options with your doctor.

Cleansing toxins out of your system may be a very good idea to keep your body functioning at it’s fullest. Just use common sense and don’t go too long without eating solid food (as well as talk to your doctor) and you should be just fine.

Cleanse Weightloss

Hey, let’s face facts; today many people in our society are overweight and need to lose weight as quickly and safely as possible. If this describes you, you may want to learn everything you can about using a Cleanse Weightloss strategy.

Whether you want to lose weight for mostly appearance reasons or if you have some serious health issues that are threatening you, using a Cleanse Weightloss method is a great way to jump start your weight loss efforts.

For those of you who may not be totally familiar with what I »m talking about a full cleanse is a method you use to flush toxins from your body.

Most of us don’t eat the way we should. We eat too much of the wrong things. Most of the foods we eat and the liquids we drink are full of chemicals. These chemicals build up in our bodies and they can interact with the other chemicals in our body. The result can be a toxic brew that permeates our blood, organs and cells.

Flushing these toxins from our body occasionally is a sound method for keeping our body running optimally according to many people. Of course, always talk to your doctor before you start any type of cleansing program or diet.

What many people don’t realize is that even herbal remedies and cleanses can be harmful to you in certain circumstances. Herbs can interact badly with other prescription or non prescription medications you are taking and a cleanse may not be a good idea if you have some existing health problems.

Most cleanses revolve around taking either a supplement or some sort of drink throughout your day. In most cases you will either cut back on the amount of solid food you eat during the cleanse or cut solid food out of your diet entirely and rely solely on the liquid diet of the cleanse.

As you can imagine, eating such a restrictive diet will be difficult for many of us. These cleanses usually only last for a day or so. Sometimes they can go for a week, but that may be too intense for many people.

Most of these cleanse liquid diets will consist of a « cocktail » of herbs, fruits and vegetables. They are created with two express purposes: to flush toxins out of your body and colon and to provide nutrition to your body while the cleanse is going on.

For that reason, just taking a laxative and thinking you are getting the same result probably isn’t a good idea. The laxative will definitely allow you to expel any excess fecal residue, but it won’t necessarily get some of the toxins that are in your cells or blood stream.

It also won’t provide your body with any type of nutrients during the cleanse so just relying on laxatives for your cleansing process probably isn’t the most healthy or reliable method around.

Cleansing, if done properly and with your doctors approval, may be a great way to keep your body toxin free as well as get a jump start on any weight loss efforts. It’s important that you find a good quality Cleanse Weightloss program, though, so you get the maximum results… safely.

Best Way To Lose Weight Fast

Looking for the best way to lose weight fast? Well, I have some advice. The first piece of advice is to talk to your doctor before you start any diet or exercise plan. Only he can tell you what you should, or shouldn’t, do based on your unique health issues.

Once that is out of the way, here are some other ideas that will help you find the best way to lose weight fast:

1. Eat. That sounds kind of counter intuitive, doesn’t it? But most of us now realize that our parents had it wrong. If you want to lose weight you don’t starve yourself. That does not work.

Your body is smart. It was created to do everything it could to survive. When you start cutting off it’s food supply your body thinks it is starving to death and will start to shut down as much as possible. Your metabolism actually slows way down to conserve energy.

A slow metabolism is the last thing you want if you are trying to lose weight. You want to keep your metabolism burning hot all day everyday to get the optimum weight loss results.

Make sure you give your body all the lean protein (chicken, fish, seafood) it needs along with plenty of fresh fruit and fresh vegetables and a lot of water everyday.

Don’t skip any meals at all, especially breakfast. You need to jump start your metabolism first thing in the morning and keep those fires stoked all day long.

2. Drink, water that is. Actually stay away from drinking alcohol (it’s loaded with calories) and soda (ditto) and even cut back on the amount of coffee you drink. Instead drink more water. Try to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water everyday.

3. Be merry. Well, at least go out and have some fun. Any kind of fun is fine as long as you’re moving your body. Skip, run, swim, bike, hike, fly a kite… whatever. Just get some exercise.

If the idea of slogging off to the gym for 30 minutes of cardio makes you want to cry like a baby, then don’t. There are hundreds of ways for you to get the exercise you need. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or dull. It can be fun if you let it.

None of this information is exactly what you would call revolutionary, I know, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work. Try to get out the idea that losing weight and getting in shape will be some monumental, difficult undertaking.

Also, as hard as it may be, try to stay away from all the quick fix promises around. If you have ever picked up a bottle of supplements that promise you will lose 10 lbs. in 30 days and you read the fine print, you will see it says to use the pills « in conjunction with a healthy eating and exercise plan » or something like that. It’s may not be the pills at all!

Instead think of it as some simple day to day changes that can help you get in better shape, quickly, and stay that way for the rest of your life. That is the best way to lose weight fast that I can think of.

Air Mattress for Indoor and Outdoor Comfort

Why you should buy an Air Mattress for Indoor and Outdoor Comfort

Air mattresses are not only perfect for overnight guests and for visiting friends and family,

they are also ideal for camping, weekends away, for vacation homes and some people even use them every day, in place of a regular air mattress.

In the last few years the variety and popularity of the air mattress bed has increased. For instance, many air mattress beds now offer built-in support systems, these have valves which enable you to control how much support you need. You are able to adjust how hard or soft you need the air mattress bed to be, to ensure a comfortable night’s sleep. This can be helpful if you have back problems and are often used in the home as an extra bed.

For weekends away and camping, the camping air mattress can now include built in sleeping bags and internal insulation. When choosing a camping air mattress, the size and weight of the mattress can be an important consideration. Nowadays, however, there are many modern mattresses that are both light and provide good insulation and comfort. If you are planning to go camping in warm weather it’s now possible to buy an air mattress that weighs less than 20 ounces.

For flexibility (and those cold mornings!) it’s may be better to go for a medium weight insulated air mattress.

Inflating your air mattress is now very quick and convenient too, battery pumps mean some mattresses can be inflated in less and a minute and deflated in seconds. Those of us old enough to remember inflating an air mattress with a foot pump will appreciate the difference!

The battery powered air mattress pumps are usually rechargeable, some are cordless and with some you have the option of running the pump from the car battery lighter socket. You can also get standard electric plug-in pumps.

There are some extremely light air mattresses available now. In the past it used to be a choice between a light but hard air mattress, or a bulky and heavy but comfortable mattress. However with modern air mattress beds it is possible to have both comfort and a reasonably low weight and size. This gives them the flexibility for use in both camping and home.

To find the best air mattress for you answer these quick questions…

What size air mattress bed will you feel comfortable in? Do you want a large bed so you can roll over or do you want to save weight and space with a smaller bed? Do you want multiple air chambers to adjust the firmness of different areas? Is an inflatable pillow needed?

Before buying an air mattress it is recommended that you research first on the internet before heading to the stores to get a feel for size, weight and comfort levels. When deciding what air mattress to buy you need to consider what you will be using it for. Take into account factors such as the weight, durability, ease of inflating and deflating, what level of insulation and comfort it will provide, and whether it has any extra features.

Why Range Finders are Perfect for the BackCountry

Outdoor enthusiasts love to guess about all sorts of things. We guess how many stars are in the Milky Way, we guess how fast a deer runs or we might even guess about how long it will be until that big, dark cloud dumps rain us. But there are times when guessing in the backcountry just doesn’t get the job done. Specialty gear is available to help us determine how far we’ve hiked – and in what direction – and other tools are available to help take the guesswork out of purifying water. But there is a another useful tool overlooked by many avid backcountry visitors – the rangefinder.

Rangefinders are used in a number of commercial applications – surveying, mapping, mining, etc. – however for our purposes we will be discussing the portable laser rangefinder used by outdoor sportsmen and sportswomen.

Laser rangefinders calculate the distance to an object by bouncing a laser beam off of the object and measuring the lapsed time until the beam returns. Since the calculation is based upon the return of the beam, it stands to reason that a more reflective object can be measured at a greater distance than a less reflective object. Readily available models are accurate to within one yard and have the ability to measure distances to reflective targets up to 1500 yards away – that’s nearly a mile – and they’re accurate under nearly any condition.

The past few years have seen a number of technology advances across all rangefinder price ranges. Many models are lightweight, are easily operated with one hand, can measure through rain or snow, can see through nearby clutter, function well in low light, contain integrated optical magnification and are 100% waterproof. Additionally there have been vast improvements lately to lens coatings, battery life and information display.

If distances are important to your activity, you need a rangefinder. BackCountry features – rocks, trees, lakes, mountains, ravines, cliffs – have a tendency to distort one’s depth perception. It is easy to misjudge even short distances. The most widely used application of rangefinders is in measuring shot distances by hunters. Whether you are hunting waterfowl or elk, distance to your game is the most critical factor in placing an effective shot. Bow hunters would never hunt without their rangefinder, the difference between 45 yards and 50 yards for a bow hunter is the difference between success and failure. Rangefinders are also used by golfers for determining club selection, by hikers to determine the best route to travel and by campers, boaters and wildlife observers for a wide variety of distance measuring purposes.

The next time you plan to spend time in our wondrous backcountry consider taking a rangefinder along with you. If you’ve never looked through a rangefinder, you don’t know what you’re missing. With a quality rangefinder, guessing distances just became old news.

Use this information and you’ll Get It Right The First Time. Get Outdoors!

Water Parks Make A Great Summer Family Outing

Quality family fun is what every parent looks for. And what better way to spend a relaxing day with your family then near the water. That’s why water parks make a great summer family outing.

Water parks have plenty of entertainment to offer including all kinds of water rides, arcades, outdoor games like miniature golf and go carts, and good food. All you need to do is show up to discover the excitement that awaits you.

There are slides for all levels and ages including water pools for the very youngest family members. So whether you like a real challenge or prefer a ride that’s relaxing, it’s there.

The larger parks have intertwined looping tube slides which are a blast; some starting 6 stories above the park and ending with a splash landing. There are a variety of tubes to choose from, so if 6 stories is too high you can play on one of the smaller ones. And who says a water park is all about the slides?

These days wakeboard and knee ski are growing water sports that many water parks are now offering. The courses are usually about ½ mile long and you can test your skills. Levels start at beginner and go right up to expert. And, if you aren’t ready to give it a try you can watch. It’s a great spectator sport too!

If you prefer to partner up with your buddy, there are usually some great two person water rides to check out. The inner tubes are one of the most fun. Or why not take a ride down a twisting turning slide reaching maximum speeds as you drop from an elevated shoot.

If that’s not your style why not try the Black Hole or the equivalent offered by most parks. Here you’ll jump into a raft and take an exhilarating journey down a twisting tunnel of darkness – whoo-eee fun with a capital F!

And if you’re lucky enough to visit Orlando’s Wet and Wild, be sure to check out The Blast which will have you screaming for more as you get soaked to the core in this stimulating ride complete with sound effects. You’ll twist and turn your way down through waterspouts and burst through pipes. What a ride! If you can’t get to Orlando don’t worry. Other water parks are offering similar rides.

When you need a rest from the water you can soak up some rays on the side. Grab a chair or relax on your beach towel. And then why not take the family for a game of miniature golf?

Don’t forget to enjoy a delicious burger and order of fries with a nice cold drink. And the day won’t be complete without an ice cream.

Water parks offer a full day of fun and relaxation for the entire family. So why not get out and enjoy it? You won’t be sorry!

The Wasp Killer Secrets

Kill hornets and wasps by using the very best wasp killer.

Even if you’ve chosen the very best the right wasp killer you must effectively identify the insect. If you are unsure you should get a good quality hornet and wasp killer! However never confuse wasps with bees. The humble bumble bee is very important in plant pollination and avoids having to sting as it die as a result.

Wasps & hornets by comparison are very different! This is important to learn how to use the right wasp killer effectively.

The type of wasp killer you use is important.

The advice, is offered for those who want to kill not just wasps but also their nests with the right wasp killer, applies if you need to know the best way kill yellowjackets, hornets or any other wasps. The « how to » of being a wasp killer:

Next, if you need to retrieve the wasp’s nest you must get appropriate coverings. All wasps do get extremely aggressive if disturbed! Destroying the nest will not do it. You need to learn to use a wasp killer correctly on a nest or they’ll merely rebuild their nest.

The most appropriate time of the day to approach a nest is at night when every wasp is present. It’s possible for you to use WD-40 to spray the wasps but you need to cover all of the nest because if you miss they will be alerted. Therefore I think it’s best to have high strength wasp killer.

At night when there is no sign of any wasp activity apply your wasp killer directly into the nest. Make sure you have pre-read the instructions! You do not want to be reading the instructions while performing the job as the wasps have been known to attack.

Never stand just under the nest as the insecticide will will fall on you and you might not correctly soak the nest. Ensure you have good access to the nest’s opening so that you can get as much wasp killer inside it as you can.

Make sure you have an escape route!

Another method is freezing the nest. Again any method that shows you how to eliminate wasps should be performed at night. Cover the nest with a heavy plastic bag and seal it. Cut down the nest and freeze it. It’s an effective effective but risky way of eliminating wasps. Use a high strength wasp killer.

The hardest part of learning to eliminate wasps is learning how to deal with hidden nests. Many times these are concealed in attics or behind walls. If wasps are present but there’s no nest you must be extremely careful when you try to find it. Wear the proper clothing, or call a professional.

Professionals can be costly however they use great wasp killer. However, you can do the job yourself with the advice given on this wasp killer article. Before you try it though you should study the main things to know outlined so you know the best wasp killer to use.

If you do not have a wasp problem but just need your garden and home free of them then why not try cheap wasp killer traps.

So now you have the knowledge how to be a wasp killer go get them!

The Freedom Of Travelling In A Camper Van

In this article, I am going to write about the joys of going on holiday in a camper van. Owning and travelling around in one of these vans gives people a lot of freedom of where they want to stop to sleep and for how long they want to stay in each destination. Many people from the UK decide to tour parts of Europe over a period of months in one of these type of vehicles.

I was recently talking to a neighbour of mine who owns a very impressive camper van which is why I have decided to write this article, his name is John. John and his wife decided to sell their big house when they were in their late fifties and move to a smaller flat. This flat was then going to be their base in the UK to return to when they were not travelling. They had a lot of excess money from selling their old house and buying the new flat and decided to spend part of this money on a very good quality camper van. The plan was then to travel around different parts of the UK as well as visiting other countries in the world.

John and his wife have two wonderful dogs which they adore. They have never enjoyed leaving these dogs with friends or in kennels when they have been travelling in the past and now they do not have to, as there is plenty of room of course in the camper van.

When talking with John I asked him where he was planning to travel to next. He replied that he was going to drive down to the South West Coast of England. He would tour through parts of Devon and Cornwall stopping for a few days in different areas. I asked him what day he would be returning, he stated that he was not sure and that it would depend on the weather. Maybe one week or four, I am not sure yet Steve, he said. I could not believe his attitude and his lifestyle, I have to say I was very jealous. What freedom, I thought to myself.

John then stated that next month he was going to travel to Portugal but that there was no rush to get there. I wish I had started to do this years ago, but what with work it was impossible really, he continued.

I also have a dog and would love to have this form of travel freedom. I have spoken to my wife about it and she has said that she would prefer to stop in a hotel. Oh well, I have years before I retire to try to work her around to my way of thinking.

Taking A Motorcycle On Your Camping Trip

Traveling across the country on a motorcycle can be exhilarating. You have a greater sense of your environment and immediate surroundings on a motorcycle and can have a sense of freedom when riding. It’s a wonderful way to explore the countryside. Camping with your motorcycle, though takes some planning and adjustments from other, more traditional forms of camping.

Because you won’t have as much space on a motorcycle as with a car, you have to pack lightly and include only the essentials. This is easier then it sounds but will take some planning. Make sure you choose items to take with you that are small and have multiple uses. A good multi tool knife is great and will allow you to do repairs and maintenance, cooking and preparing.

Take a small bag for personal items and choose travel size bottles of everything needed. These are readily available at discount and grocery stores and will help save storage room. Use saddle bags for storing food, clothing and personal gear. You’ll have to economize so be prepared to wear the same clothing several times. Take re-closable plastic storage bags or plastic trash bags for disposing of items and for storing dirty clothes.

You should have ample room in saddlebags and the glove compartment for small items. For sleeping and camping equipment, use the luggage rack or passenger seat and secure these items with bungee cords. Make sure to bring compact equipment that can tightly fold or roll up. You should easily be able to store a collapsible tent and sleeping bag. You can even add a sleeping mat for added comfort.

If you intend to cook while camping out pack only what you’ll need. Look for camping recipes that only require one pot. There are many available and this will help conserve space. You can get eating utensils to store in a saddle bag. These do not take up much space.

For safety, make sure your motorcycle is serviced and in good working condition before embarking on a trip. Chart your route so you know where gas stations and restaurants are on your route. These can be valuable in restocking food supplies and in emergency situations. Keep a map and compass handy so you don’t get lost on the road or while camping.

You may not be able to camp in the lap of luxury when you bring your motorcycle but it will be a fun experience. Your motorcycle has ample room to store the necessities and if you can accept sleeping outdoors and only packing essentials, this can be a highly rewarding experience. Having a motorcycle available also gives you a lot more flexibility in traveling in and out of campsites. It is easy to pack all your gear and leave or go on a short sight seeing trip.

Survival Foods For Hikers

Survival foods are not the most important thing in most emergency situations in the wilderness. You survive weeks without eating if you have to, so it is usually more important to find shelter, water, and stay dry and uninjured. On the other hand, just knowing you can find food out there, and having something in your stomach, can do wonders for your state of mind, which CAN be crucial to your survival.

What then, do you need to know about survival foods? First forget the idea that you need to learn every last edible wild plant. I love learning about new edible plants, but very few of them provide enough calories to be worth the effort in a survival situation. What you need s to know a few basic categories of animals you can eat, and some of the most abundant and calorie-rich plants.

Survival Foods – The Animals

Mammals in North America can all be eaten (except for the livers of some arctic mammals). Since many carry parasites, wash your hands after handling them, and cook the meat if possible.

North American birds are all edible, and there eggs are too. I’ve even eaten seagull eggs cooked on a hot rock, and they tasted fine.

Fresh water fish in North America are all edible. Catching the fish is the difficult part, but they can be quickly and easily cooked over a fire.

Amphibians and reptiles are usually safe to eat – if you remove the skin. I have cooked snake in a stew and over a fire, and I recommend the latter.

Survival Foods – The Plants

Cattail is one of the most abundant and calorie-rich foods in the wilderness. The white part of the stalk at the bottom, and the new shoots, can be eaten raw or cooked. Flower spikes can be cooked like corn-on-the-cob when green. Roots can be mashed in water to release the starch, which can be added to soups. Pollen from the flower spike can be shaken into a bag and used in soups. Cattails grow in swamps or wet soil, and you really should get to know this plant.

The inner bark of pine trees is edible. It’s a good survival food to remember, because it is available year-round. That white spongy layer between the outer bark and the wood is what you want. Although it is mostly fiber, it contains enough carbohydrates to be worth boiling into a soup if nothing else is available.

Edible berries can be a delicious and filling survival food in the right season. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and blackberries all have their wild forms. If it looks like the domestic one (usually smaller) and smells and tastes like it, it’s safe to eat.

Of course it’s fun to know which mushrooms you can eat, and even which flowers are edible, but both of these have almost no calories. To quickly learn what you need to survive, concentrate first on the common animals and the most abundant and calorie-rich edible plants. Those are the survival foods that will most likely save your life.

San Diego Beach Hikes

Cardiff to Carlsbad

San Diego offers a bevy of interesting hikes. With the average home price being around $500,000, they better be interesting!

To unwind, I typically stop on my way home from work to hike from Cardiff to Carlsbad on the beach. For picturesque sunsets and “tasty waves”, the beach between Cardiff to Carlsbad can’t be beat.

Cardiff – Starting

I typically start this hike by parking just south of restaurant row in Cardiff. Restaurant row is located to the north of the lagoon between Cardiff and Solana Beach on Highway 101. Parking is located on the side of the road, which is right up against the beach. Give me convenience or give me death!

As you head north, you first pass Charlie’s and other restaurants. Past the restaurants, you will come to the beginning of the bluffs that will line the beach to the end of the hike. San Elijo campground is on top of the initial bluffs and extends for roughly a mile north. The campground is very popular and the temporary home of locals and tourist. You can tell the difference by contrasting tans with sunburns.

Following San Elijo, you will walk through Sea Cliff County Park with bluffs over 100 feet high. An area known affectionately as “Swami’s” quickly follows this park. The name derives from the fact the area above the bluff is the home to the Self Realization Fellowship Center. This area is know as hot surf spot, but is very crowded. If you are a bit winded, you can stop and watch 50 or so surfers maneuver for waves. Yes, traffic jams aren’t exclusively restricted to California freeways.

North of Swami’s, you will cruise along a long strip of sand hemmed in by 50 to 60 foot bluffs in the town of Encinitas. For those with a wicked sense of humor, there is a relatively popular game called, “Watch the house fall.” Yes, the bluffs are giving away slowly. As they erode, the homes first lose plants, then patios and so on. They say real estate is all about location, location, location, but sometimes a beach front home isn’t all that great.

The Encinitas section of the hike is fairly long. With the high bluffs, you will find sections of the beach that are deserted. Yes, even during summer. The only thing breaking up the solitude is Moonlight Beach, a fairly popular beach with locals. Otherwise, it’s just you, shells and joggers until you arrive at the end of the bluffs and South Carlsbad. Time to turn around and find the car.

The Cardiff to South Carlsbad hike is about 5 miles in each direction. The walk is flat and quick. By the end, you will be relaxed and forget that Bert in accounting is a jerk. Enjoy.

Rent A Van When In Southern California

Traveling to Southern California and don’t have any resource to go around your city of destination? The best solution is to rent a van for a more comfortable and worry-free trip with your friends, business associates or your family. A van is spacious both for people and their cargo and this makes your trip a memorable and enjoyable one.

In San Diego, for instance, visitors have a lot of places to go to for leisure such as the Seaworld, San Diego Zoo and Universal Studios. Los Angeles as well has so many exciting areas that should not be missed by vacationers. And it is only by renting a van that you can most conveniently travel to these interesting tourist spots.

Van rentals are aplenty in San Diego, Orange County and L.A. you just need to look for the company that has long established a good reputation and is trusted by many travelers. And 5 Star Rent-A-Van is a firm to beat when it comes to rental vehicles. This company is known for its high quality vehicles with popular brands like Ford, Dodge and GMC that are top of the line models as well as for its personalized customer service.

San Diego Van Rental caters to all kinds of travelers whether corporate, government and military, sports groups, religious groups, students, families and bands. It’s more than 50 rental vehicles including 15 passenger vans, 12 passenger vans, full size vans are in tip-top condition to make sure that clients travel without a hitch to wherever they want to go. Shuttle service, tow packages and GPS navigation systems are also available if desired by clients. The firm’s customer service is also unbeatable because of the friendly sales representatives and knowledgeable vehicular team who truly know what they’re doing and can assist clients in all their traveling needs.

Since it opened to the public in 1996, San Diego-based 5 Star Rent-A-Van has gained a good reputation being a reliable rental agency. It is a family-owned business and is one of the biggest rental firms in Southern California today. Whether clients are locals or come from abroad, this company makes sure that they provide personalized and quality service for the total satisfaction of customers.

Another reason why this rental firm is mostly preferred by travelers is because of its competitive rates that even students can well afford to rent a vehicle from them. Also, renters have various payment options from credit cards, debit cards, cash to traveler’s check, cashier’s check or money order.

The latest service provided by 5 Star Rent-A-Van to give more convenience to prospective customers is its online booking system. With this system in place, clients no longer need to call to reserve a vehicle. All they have to do is visit the company’s site to find out the availability of their desired van and book it in just a matter of minutes. This online booking gives this preferred van rental company the edge among competitors in San Diego, according to its manager Ray Marashi.

Picnicking Ideas

What better way to spend a hot summer day than to go picnicking in the park? There’s so much to enjoy; food, drinks, games, sports, activities, campfires and good company – just don’t forget the bug spray! If you’ve ever had a hard time deciding what to bring on a picnic, below are several lists that give ideas for what to pack on a picnic, no matter who you are going with. So grab your friends, family and loved ones and get going!

With the kids: Kids love hotdogs and marshmallows. I don’t think I’ve ever met a kid who doesn’t enjoy roasting (and burning) these items over a camp fire. So if you are going on a picnic with kids bring hotdogs and marshmallows and you’re sure to please. Also bring pop and juice, chips, plastic cutlery and dishes. As for games, kids will like Frisbee, soccer, skipping rope, or really any game. Kids aren’t that hard to please, just as long as you have food, beverages, and several games you can keep them entertained for hours.

Romantic: Picnicking with a partner can be very romantic if done right. Bring along a nice blanket to lay out on the grass, plastic wine glasses, and a nice plate you can both share. As for food, it is ideal to bring finger foods that you can feed to each other. Try crackers, cheese, olives, antipasto, cold cuts, and chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert. If you are a drinker it’s always nice to bring along a bottle of wine or champagne, but remember don’t drink too much unless you have a ride home!

Friends: A lot of people enjoy going down to the park to hang out with friends (I know I do), because it can be a blast! And all you need is a group of friends, a case of beer, hot dogs and hamburgers, chips, pop, plastic cutlery and dishes and a football, frisbee or hackysac to play with. It’s also fun to bring along a boom box if anyone has one.

Office: A lot of office parties involve going out for lunch, or ordering food in, but it’s a great idea to schedule these times for going on a picnic. You can ask every one to bring something and that way you won’t be spending too much money yourself. Things you can ask people to bring could include, hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, steaks, chips, pop, juice, potato salad, green salad, fruit, veggie sticks, nuts, and desserts. This can be a lot more fun than a regular office party too because people can play sports and do activities instead of just sitting around a table.

So as you can see, planning a picnic is easy! You can be as creative as you want with what you bring, but the basics are often the best. So this summer, instead of wasting money at restaurants, gather up some friends and go build a fire!

Outdoor Adventure Travel For Anyone

Outdoor adventure travel is catching on in a big way and there is a darn fine reason for it too. There are few trips that can be taken that are better than outdoor adventure travel ones. When you are starting to get into adventure travel you have a multitude of choices to choose from and they are all as great as the next one.

Outdoor adventure travel does not have to mean traveling far away or overseas. You can probably find plenty of outdoor adventure travel right in your own area or at least near to it. Your budget does not have to put a damper on real good outdoor adventure travel. Just take some time to look around and what surrounds you and you will probably find all kinds of great and exciting things to do.

If you are having trouble finding some good ideas for your outdoor adventure travel consider talking to your local travel bureau. The thing is that we live in our hometowns and cities with no real idea of what is all around us. Since it is home we take it for granted, most of us don’t bother to investigate all that there really s to do. So check it out, chances are that you will be pleasantly surprised at all of the great outdoor adventure travel ideas that are out there available to you right now as you read.

You can also check the internet for all kind of great outdoor adventure travel ideas. You can take trips all over the world for your outdoor adventure travel if you have the money. These days you don’t even have to have a lot of money, there are hundreds of great travel deals on all year round. No matter what season it is there is a great outdoor adventure travel idea that you can take advantage for a great price, all you have to do is find it. Start looking into outdoor adventure travel on the internet today and you will find out all kinds of great tips to help you save money while you are out adventuring.

Your outdoor adventure travel can consist of all kinds of different activities. For many people outdoor adventure travel trips for skiing are a great way to get the adrenaline pumping. Skiing is fun and it is great exercise and it is full of fast paced action once you get off of the bunny hill! If you like to try things a little more daring then you can always go rock climbing or bungee jumping. They too are loads of fun and thrills. Even hiking and camping on some fantastic mountain trails is a great way to experience outdoor adventure travel.

The next time that you are interested in going on a trip or even when you have nothing to do one day, look into outdoor adventure travel and see what all there is in your area and out of your area to take part in.

Northeast Summercamps

If you’re planning on sending your kids to a summer camp during this following months you will be very happy to learn that there are Northeast summer camps that have the option of allowing your kid to experience magnificent landscapes and activities in which he will be very comfortable and he will also be having lots of fun. In Northeast summer camps you will notice that there are much more possibilities of performing activities and that the programs are much more extensive than in other places.

The reason why Northeast summer camps are so popular is because they have access to the most beautiful landscapes in the whole country, in there you will find many different lakes and mountains that help to enhance the activities which can take place during the summer. It is in North east summercamps that your son is able to experience most of the popular activities which have made summer camps so appealing in the last years. Your kid will be able to swim in a lake, or practice kayak or snorkeling while also being able to participate in competitions that will require the use of large masses of water.

Besides of all the practical uses that the Northeast summer camps landscapes can bring there is also the fact that your kid will be extremely happy of being able to appreciate the wonderful magnificence that the landscape has to provide, this is a relaxing opportunity for your kid to forget about his pressures at school or in his house and just go to North east summer camps to enjoy himself and the company of others. It is very well known that large friendships have started in Northeast summer camps; there are even many Northeast summer camps which are sponsored and managed by former campers from the area.

Your kid will have no problems acquiring new friends in Northeast summer camps; this is mainly because of the beautiful places that he will be attending and of the fact that the managers place activities on the kids forcing them to know each other and to trust each other which eventually leads to a long term friendship. After he returns from his summer camp he will be asking you to send him next year, because north east summer camps are something worth of being remembered and experienced as many times as possible.

So if you’re considering on sending your kids to a summer camp please have in mind the Northeast summer camps; in there he will be able to participate in many activities and also he will be having the time of his life, he will always remember moments of his childhood and we can guarantee that North east summer camps will be among them.

Night Vision Devices

The Ultimate in BackCountry Toys

Many nights in the backcountry are far from dark. A bright moon and a sky full of stars can throw off enough light to allow for reading a book, but add cloud cover, mountains or trees and it gets dark awfully fast. When you need to see in the dark, you have two choices – you either turn on a light, or use one of the many available night vision devices (NVD). The NVD could be the ultimate backcountry toy.

Like choosing many other types of technology, choosing the correct NVD is all about how you are going to use it. When most people think of night vision capabilities, they think about spy movies, the military or law enforcement – applications where it is vital for the good guys to see without being seen by the bad guys. A drop in pricing over the past few years has made a NVD affordable for campers, hunters, hikers and a wide variety of other outdoor enthusiasts. However, high-end devices used for specialized purposes remain quite expensive.

There are two broad categories of NVD. Image Enhancement devices collect small amounts of light and amplify them to the point where the human eye can observe the object. Thermal Imaging devices capture the high end of the infrared light spectrum which is emitted as heat by objects. Image Enhancement devices will provide a much crisper image with detail while Thermal Imaging devices show regions of heat. Currently, five Generations of NVD exist. Generations 0 and 1 are less expensive and typically produce a poor image quality. Generations 2, 3 and 4 have increasingly better image quality and an equally increasing price to match.

Applications for NVD are actually quite diverse. They include but are not limited to: military, law enforcement, hunting, wildlife observation, surveillance, security, navigation, hidden-object detection, spelunking and entertainment. NVD can be found on helicopters, rifles, camcorders, cameras, boats….just about anywhere. A new craze found at up-scale gatherings is called “A Dinner in the Dark Party” where guests wear an NVD throughout their dining experience.

Many outdoor enthusiasts are beginning to discover the wonderful world that can be found after darkness falls in the backcountry. If you like to camp, hike or hunt, chances are good an NVD will be perfect for you.

Use this information and you’ll Get It Right The First Time. Get Outdoors!

Making Clothes For Backpacking

Making clothes? If you enjoy backpacking AND sewing, go for it. As for myself, I started buying gear again after the first hundred tedious hours of sewing . Then I discovered that there are some backpacking clothes you can make cheaply and quickly.

Making Hand Warmers

Stick your hands inside a pair of socks and mark where your fingertips and thumb-tip are, using a pen or marker. Then cut holes where the marks are. You now have hand warmers that leave your fingers free. Mine weigh about an ounce, but this depends on the socks that you use. You can use these under other gloves or mittens in colder weather, and when you remove your mittens to tie your shoes, you won’t totally expose your hands.

Instant Insulated Vest

Buy 1/2″ poly batting at any fabric store. I bought mine at Walmart. This is the stuff that is used to make pillows, stuffed animals and quilts. It comes as a big sheet, rolled up in a bag, usually for less than ten dollars.

Open it up it and cut a piece out, roughly two by four feet. Cut a hole in this for your head, and wear it like a tunic, but under your jacket. Making clothes doesn’t get any easier than this, and the vest will be among the lightest backpacking clothes you own. My own weighs just four ounces.

My vest, along with my homemade balaclava, kept me warm as I went over glaciers, to the top of 20,600-foot Chimborazo, in Ecuador. It also went to the top of Mount Shasta in California, and on other trips. Originally, I made it as a disposable vest, but it’s held together for years now. Wear two for extra warmth (always under a wind-breaking layer) and you’ll have more insulation than a sweater would give you, for half the weight.

Making A Ski Mask From Old Clothes

Use any old thermal underwear top or bottom, preferably made of polypropylene. Just cut off a leg or a sleeve, then pull it over your head. Mark where your eyes and mouth are with a pen or marker, cut the holes and cut off the extra length. You just made a balaclava.

I used a sleeve from a very stretchy polypropylene top for mine. It weighs less than an ounce, lighter than anything I can buy. You can sew the top shut, as I did, or just pin it shut with a safety pin. Making backpacking clothes doesn’t get much simpler than this.

I collect ideas for backpacking clothes or equipment that can be made at home, but if it can’t be explained in a paragraph, it’s probably too complex and time consuming for me. I prefer backpacking to sewing. When it’s as easy as the three items here, though, even I will start making clothes.


Relax in a Hammock Bed, Chair, or Swing.

This article deals with the most common use of the word hammock. A hammock is a sling for sleeping or resting in. Particularly in the southern US, a hammock can also mean a piece of thickly wooded land, usually covered with bushes and vines.

The hammock is a device used to sleep or rest in and consists of cloth or a network of twine or thin rope which is stretched between two firm points to create the perfect hammock.

The Garden Hammock was developed in South America or the Caribbean. Hammocks are standard items in almost all yards and homes in the Yucatan. Hammocks were said to have arrived in Yucatan from the Caribbean less than two centuries before the Spanish Conquest. Hammocks are made of various materials. The quality depends greatly on the thread and the number of threads used to create them. Hammocks are made in villages surrounding the capital city Merida and are sold throughout the world as well as locally. Hammocks hold such a strong place in the hearts of the Yucatecans, that even the most humble of homes have hammock hooks in the walls. Mayan hammocks are made on a loom and are hand woven by men, women and children.

Currently, there are a wide variety of hammocks available. There are hammocks that are designed specifically for backpacking and include mosquito netting along with pockets for nighttime storage. There are hammocks made out of thin and lightweight material which makes them ideal for taking on trips such as camping. Other hammocks include self-standing metal or wood structures that support the hammock. Although many people today purchase their hammock pre-made, it is also possible to make your own specialty hammock.

Hammocks have also traditionally been used by sailors on ships and by astronauts in space. During the Apollo program, the Lunar Module was equipped with hammocks for the commander and pilot to sleep between moonwalks. Hammocks are also handy on a ship. Since a hammock moves in concert with the motion of the ship, the sleeper is not at a risk of being thrown onto the floor. Some people worry that it is easy to fall out of a hammock during sleep, but this is rarely true. The sides of a traditional hammock wraps around the sleeper like a cocoon which makes a fall from the hammock virtually impossible.

Hammock Care

Tips on cleaning and storing hammocks without spreader bars.

If you plan on

Machine washing your hammock

Start by holding the two hanging end rings in your hands and bring them together, folding the hammock in half. Tie the hammock together with string just below the hanging rings. Tie the hammock together again, at the opposite end, and once more in the middle of the hammock. This should prevent the metal rings from becoming entangled with the string bed of the hammock, and the strings themselves from getting tangled as well. Put the tied up hammock into a pillowcase, and tie the pillowcase closed. Be sure to tie it securely, as the washing machine has rigorous agitation, and you do not want the hammock to come out of the pillow. Use mild detergent to wash your hammock. DO NOT USE BLEACH. After washing your hammock, carefully remove it from it’s pillowcase and untie. Hang up your hammock and spread out as much as possible to dry completely.

If you plan on

Hand washing your hammock

Start by holding the two hanging rings in your hands, bring them together, folding the hammock in half. Tie the hammock together with string just below the hanging rings. Tie the hammock together again, at the opposite end, and once more in the middle of the hammock. This should prevent the metal rings from becoming entangled with the string bed of the hammock, and the strings themselves from getting tangled as well. In a large sink or bathtub, immerse the hammock in water mixed with a mild detergent and again, DO NOT USE BLEACH. With your hands, agitate the water until you feel the hammock is clean. After washing, carefully untie and unfold the hammock. Hang up hammock and spread out to dry completely.

After you’re done washing and want to

store your hammock

start by making sure your hammock is clean and completely dry, hold the two hanging rings in your hands, bring them together, folding the hammock in half. Tie the hammock together with string just below the hanging rings, and again just above the point where the hammock bed begins, to prevent tangling. When storing, it’s important to protect against moisture, soiling and critters. The easiest way to prevent these threats to your hammock is to use a storage bag made of outdoor, weather resistant, durable fabric that allows the hammock to breath. If you do not have a storage bag, hang the hammock from its metal rings in your garage or basement, or anywhere it will remain dry and out of the way. If you find any mold or mildew when you bring your hammock out the next season, we recommend using a mild detergent.

Giant Sequoias

Hiking Boole Tree Loop

The Giant Sequoia trees of California are a site to see. Despite heavy logging efforts, you can still hike through these massive trees on the Boole Tree Loop.

Giant Sequoia National Monument

The park system in central California is incredible. You have Sequoia National Park, the first national park ever designated in the country. Next to it is King Canyon National Park, created in 1940. Surrounding a good portion of these two is the new Giant Sequoia National Monument, designated such by President Clinton in 2000. The three parks form a sanctuary for incredible scenery, including the Giant Sequoias on the Boole Tree Loop hiking trail.

Although directions are included below, I have to mention the drive to Boole Tree is incredible. As you drive through Stump Meadow, you will see some of the biggest stumps in the world and get a real feel for what has been destroyed. The biggest is the Chicago Stump measuring 70 FEET around its perimeter. Sadly, the tree was cut down so it could be displayed in a museum in Chicago in the 1880s when such trees seemed plentiful.

The Boole Tree Loop is only 2.5 miles, but will take a couple of hours since you’ll be staring up in the air like an idiot and looking at some incredible views. Since it is a loop, you can go either direction you wish. The first part of the trail will wind through at least 40 Giant Sequoia stumps that will boggle your mind with their size. Passing these, you’ll head up to a plateau where you can look down upon valleys in the canyon with Spanish Mountain in the distance. Regardless of which way you go, you’ll eventually come upon Boole Tree.

Boole Tree is big, but not as big as many of the stumps you’ll see. Boole Tree stands roughly 275 feet high with a perimeter of some 35 feet. It is estimated to be over 2,000 years old and is one of the biggest living trees in the world. Ironically, the tree is named after a lumber mill owner that spared it. To bad he wasn’t feeling as gracious with the other Giant Sequoias as all the stumps attest.

The Giant Sequoia National Monument is roughly an hour east of Fresno, California. Highway 180 is the most used entrance to the park from the west coast. Upon entering the park, you’ll pass through a ranger station. Drive north from there and hand a left at Grant Grove after traveling just over a mile. Continue until you hit Grant Grove Village. Just after it, you’ll see sign for Stump Meadow. Take a left and start driving. After a couple of miles, you’ll see a parking lot with a sign.

If you’re coming from Los Angeles, the drive will take five hours as will driving from San Francisco. Of course, drive times are dependent on traffic conditions in both cities.

Taking a hike through the Giant Sequoia National Monument is tremendous. It will give you a perspective of Mother Nature that few see.

Everything You Need To Know About Canvas Tents

Many camping enthusiasts enjoy the comfort of canvas tents while they are out in the wilderness. The only thing that is certain about nature is that nothing is certain. Canvas tents are durable and can withstand rain and wind much better than standard tents. They are generally well constructed using quality materials and are simple to set up. This is especially beneficial to the most common purposes for canvas tents, which is shelter for hunting and fishing trips.

Canvas tents offer sturdy walls, floor and roofing. They are usually accompanied by metal bars to secure the tent on site. In this instance, you will definitely get what you pay for. Canvas tents offer heavy duty zippers and high walls and ceilings. They are designed for the most comfort in camping by offering wilderness buffs an opportunity to stand up, walk around, stretch out or even sit down in a chair and relax. The high ceilings provide additional comfort to campers while also providing extra headroom. This comes in very handy, especially for the taller individual.

When shopping for canvas tents, it’s a good idea to decide on a budget before you start browsing. If you know how much money you can spend, then you will be better prepared to make a decision and will be less likely to overspend. After all, you will need to save some money for the additional camping supplies that you will want to take along for the trip. It’s always a good idea to work out a reasonable budget anytime before you make a substantial investment. When shopping around, keep in mind that canvas tents are more expensive than other models and can be priced at several hundred dollars each. For a model with more features, they can cost as much as $1,000.00 or slightly more.

There are a few bonus features to look for in canvas tents, including the presence of a back door to allow more air to circulate during the warm summer months and a tent bag for convenient storage and transportation. If possible, purchase a white canvas tent because the white color reflects light inside much better than colored tents. Before making a final decision, you may want to consider the weight factor. Larger tents are much heavier and can be more difficult to set up but, if that’s what you need, then go for it. If a smaller lightweight tent will work for you, then consider that option as well.

Canvas tents are more expensive, but they are a true investment. A quality product, with proper care and maintenance, should last for up to 20 years or more. Now, that’s a lot of camping.

Activities in the Heart of the Rocky Mountains

Winter Park has so many outdoor activities to choose from, you could spend the whole summer here and never see and do everything. Regardless of the activity you choose, you will enjoy some of the most spectacular views of the Continental Divide that Colorado has to offer.

A 600-mile trail system spreads throughout Winter Park and the Fraser Valley. These trails are great for either hiking or mountain biking, and have something for every skill level. Also known as “Mountain Bike Capital USA”, Winter Park hosts many bike races throughout the summer that are open to the general public. Winter Park Resort offers 50 miles of trails that can be accessed by chair lift, and it’s all downhill from there. You’ll need to purchase a lift pass, but your bike rides up for free. Before heading down you may want to stop at the Sunspot for lunch and enjoy 360 degree views of the surrounding mountains. There is also a 18 hole disc golf course that may keep you up top for awile.

Winter Park Resort is also home of the longest Alpine Slide in Colorado! A 3000 foot long slide, with a 600 foot drop winding through the wilderness. At the base you can also find a miniature golf course, a climbing wall, Rock N’ Roll Gyro, Human Maze, Leaps & Bounds Bungee and a whole lot more.

If you are in search of fishing holes, you can wade 1,000 miles of streams, wander around 1,000 acres of high mountain lakes, or troll 11,000 acres of reservoirs. Rainbow, cutthroat, brown & brook trout can be found in most of the rivers, while mackinaw and kokanee salmon cruise the depths of the larger bodies of water. Having so much water also provides ample opportunities for rafting, canoeing or kayaking.

Music always sounds better with a backdrop like the Continental Divide, and free music concerts can be found just about everywhere in Winter Park all summer long. Music and food festivals also take place in the area, but generally cost up to $40 for admission. Events like the Jazz Festival and the Food, Wine & Beer Festival may require advance planning for stays in Winter Park.

Stay just a five minute walk from the base of Winter Park Resort. Slope View Bed and Breakfast offers views of the Continental Divide, unique amenities and a knowledgeable staff. 970-531-2386

Camping Makes the Weekend Perfect

Do you have a weekend without anything to do or a weekend when you don’t want to do anything? I know what I’d do. I would pack up the truck and head for the woods. Sitting by a camp fire with your favorite people solves many problems, so you shouldn’t wait too long between fires. My favorite thing to do on a weekend is to camp. Are you looking for an easy way to camp? How about car camping? I love it!

First of all, let’s define car camping? When you can drive your vehicle right up to the camp site, that’s called car camping. Even if you’re driving a truck it’s still called car camping. The advantage of car camping versus primitive or base camping is that you can take anything you want with you. If you want to take a hammock or huge grill or a stack of magazines, you can. Load your car or truck with food, clothing, shelter, bedding, games and anything else you want to take along and get going. It’s really that simple.

So where can you car camp? Just about anywhere. National and state parks don’t allow car camping except in designated campgrounds, other than that, you can car camp virtually anywhere on public lands. The internet is loaded with websites that can help. Start looking at www.backcountrytoys.com/education.htm. Our Education Center is loaded with up to date camping information.

Here are some things I take along when I car camp: hiking gear, bird watching binoculars and field guide, a radio for music and weather updates, tent, cot, sleeping bag, grill, shovel, fire starting gear, lots of food and drink, first aid kit, a stack of reading material – this can also be used for building a fire – such as newspapers and magazines, rain gear, hammock, dogs and dog food, folding chairs and table, stove, table service and utensils….you get the idea. I take all that I need to be comfortable. If you don’t have these things, don’t fret, all you really need are food, shelter and common sense.

Camping is a great way to renew and strengthen relationships. Take your spouse, your children, your siblings, your friends. Without the distractions of television, telephone, internet and alarm clocks, you will have a wonderful time. I’ll always remember something a dear friend of mine told me years ago, “Time spent in our great outdoors is time added to your life.” That sounds like a good reason to go.

Use this information and you’ll Get It Right The First Time. Get Outdoors!

Bird Watching Presents

Bird watchers are rabid about bird watching, and rightfully so. If you are looking for Christmas gift ideas for bird watching presents, here are a few keepers.

Bird Watching Presents

As with practically anything in our modern society, there are all kinds of gadgets and unique gifts that make great Christmas gift ideas for bird watching presents.

1. Electronic Bird Identifier – The Electronic Bird Finder is a device that provides you with the ability to recognize bird sounds and appearances through a comparison with a database in the device. Bird appearances are shown on the device and an ear plug lets you listen to bird calls until you match what you are hearing in the wild with a specific bird in the database. About the size of a pager, the device comes in an easy to carry pouch and is built to take a pounding. You can expect to pay $25 to $50. Just search for “electronic bird finder” on the web to find cost options. .

2. Bird Watcher’s Digest – Bird Watcher’s Digest is “the” magazine for bird watchers. Great for beginners and avid birding fanatics, the magazine covers unique bird watching locations, birding tips and reviews of Big Day bird watching events to mention just a few items. A one-year subscription will set you back a whopping $19.95, money well spent when you see your friend or loved one hunkered down on the couch and reading away.

3. Trek Pod – This handy device is so cool it should be illegal. The Trek Pod is a multi-function device that acts as a hiking staff while you cruise around looking for optimal bird watching spots. Once you find the perfect location, the staff converts to a tripod you can mount binoculars, cameras and scopes onto. Oh, WHY didn’t I think of this?! You can expect to pay $135 for the Trek Pod.

4. Nomad Bird Watching Journals – A little self-promotion. Nomad Bird Watching Journals are great gifts for bird watching enthusiast. Whether they enjoy bird watching tours, backyard birding or bird watching vacations, these journals let bird watchers keep track of sightings, conditions, locations, people met and impressions of the birding experience. A great Christmas gift, you can see the journal by clicking the link in the byline of this article and expect to pay $25 for the journal with case.

Bird watching is sweeping the world. Now you know what to buy bird watching enthusiasts for the holidays.

Arrowhead Hunting and Rock Collecting

We weren’t planning to go rock and arrowhead hunting in Arizona. My wife and I just liked that hotspring in the desert. It was agood place to escape the Michigan winter for a while.

Then we met Felix, an old Mayan Indian living in an old RV. After sharing meals and campfires for a week, he took us into the desert to show us ancient metates (grain-grinding stones) and arrowheads. We also found hundreds of beautiful rocks of every type, including Apache Tears, Fire Agate, and various quartzes.

Irina, a nineteen-year-old « rainbow kid, » who had been living in her van for months, rode with Felix in his old pickup. We took our van. We spent two hours at the first stop. The recent rain had made the rocks and artifacts stand out, washing them clean. We were mostly just rock collecting.

Irina and my wife Ana found odd pieces that may have been arrowheads. We found old pottery pieces too, and Felix came back with half of a pot painted with an intricate design. It was probably hundreds of years old. Felix had been in the desert for years, and kept seeing things we missed.

Pony Express Ruins

At our second stop, Felix showed us ruins of an old Pony Express station. Unmarked and forgotten, the grass-and-mud-block walls were still partially standing. I realized we still hadn’t seen a single other car. There are some isolated areas in Arizona, and this is one of them. We started arrowhead hunting around the ruins, because Felix insisted the building would have been fired upon by arrows.

Up the hill behind the ruins, Felix showed us rocks with six-inch wide holes a foot deep or more, and perfectly round. They were filled with water – their purpose, according to Felix. We like water with fewer bugs, but he and Irina drank the water collected in them. It was a peaceful spot, overlooking the valley below.

Arrowhead Hunting Success

Over the hill, we had some luck searching for rocks and arrowheads, but not like Felix. We saw hundreds of pieces of pottery, but all very plain looking. He found pottery that had beautiful designs on it, and metates. He found a tiny clear quartz arrowhead, perfectly made, that had probably been used to hunt small birds two hundred years earlier.

Each of us wandered a bit. Ana and I made it back to the van first, and when Irina and Felix returned, we cooked beans with instant rice on our camp stove. After the meal, we said goodbyes, and traded addresses. They went back to the hotsprings, while we headed the other way with bags of rocks, an antelope antler, and two broken arrowheads.


For interesting rocks, go out after a rain and you can see Fire-agate and Apache Teardrops laying on the sand. For the best rock collecting, visit the designated rockhound areas in southeastern Arizona. As for arrowhead hunting, and ancient pottery, enjoy yourself, but it may be illegal to keep any artifacts now. The BLM office in Safford can give you directions and more information.

African Safaris

Where To Go?

If you have never been on an African safari before, you may be at a loss as to where to go. If you have been on one, you might want to plan on going somewhere different. Not because you didn’t enjoy where you went, but because there are so many beautiful things to see in Africa.

From snow covered mountains and beautiful waterfalls, to sandy deserts and aquatic reefs, Africa has got it all. Not to mention all the wildlife. Gorilla trekkers, bird watchers and fly-fishermen will all be equally delighted. If you love beautiful landscapes and communities rich in culture, you’ll find that, too.

East and Central Africa

The eastern Africa and central African regions are loaded with many game parks which include a large variety and population of animals, from the wildebeest of Kenya (middle of the year) and Tanzania (early in the year) to the gorillas of Uganda.

East Africa’s landscape includes the spectacular and majestic Mount Kilimanjaro and the famous volcanic Ngorongoro Crater, the largest of its type in the world, which is home to thousands of animals such as Zebra, wildebeest, black rhino, prides of lion including the black-maned males, leopard, cheetah, hyena, elephants, warthog, impala, buffalo, hartebeest, eland and other members of the antelope family.

South Africa

Southern Africa also offers a magnificent scenario for a great safari. South Africa offers an outstanding and rewarding game-viewing experience. Tours here are normally conducted in open 4×4 safari vehicles, giving you greater visibility than a mini-van (commonly used in eastern and central African safaris).

South African guides are highly trained and professional. Many camps offer night tours and walks, as well as safaris by canoe and even elephant back!

Some of the cities are beautiful, and the coastline of South Africa and the striking landscapes are sure to please.

Namibia is a good place if you are looking for elephant, rhino, lion and giraffe.

All the large mammals can be found in Botswana; elephant, buffalo, red lechwe, lion and cheetah are plentiful.

Many consider Zimbabwe to be the best of Africa. This beautiful country offers Victoria Falls, rolling hills, rock art, and game parks that are home to large herds of elephant and buffalo, sable and roan antelope.

Zambia is a definite favorite for those who love to go on an African safari. Zambia has many well managed camps in wilderness areas known for concentration and diversity of game, bird life and game fishing. These can be found in the national parks of South Luangwa and Kafue National Park.

A great way to wrap up your African safari is to visit the Indian Ocean islands, which include Malawi, Mozambique, Mauritius, Madagascar, and the Seychelles Islands. These waters hold hundreds of species of fish, making them a haven for anglers. You can also enjoy snorkelling and scuba diving among the colorful fish, gorgeous flora and fauna, countless coral reefs and marine life.

Be sure to send a postcard.

Science Camp For Girls

« Eureka! » That’s what many parents say when they find a camp for their daughter that focuses on science.

That may be the cause of excitement as more than 1,700 girls, ages 11-13, will take part in a variety of engineering and science-related projects at the weeklong EX.I.T.E. camps across the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific, sponsored for the eighth year by IBM. EX.I.T.E. stands for EXploring Interests in Technology and Engineering.

« Traditionally, girls have shied away from taking math, science and technology courses because they didn’t think they could excel in them, or thought the classes were unrelated to what they wanted to do in their lives, » said Katherine Hegmann, IBM General Manager, Global Application Services, Business Consulting Services. « What many girls don’t realize is that technology is providing opportunities for careers in virtually every field they could hope to pursue. »

As part of this year’s program, EX.I.T.E. Campers will work in teams with IBM employee volunteers on innovation projects allowing the girls to realize the wealth of ideas and talents they possess that could make a difference in medicine, health care, agriculture, entertainment, consumer goods, environmental preservation or rescue and relief efforts. Each camp will document its innovations by creating a three-dimensional model, blueprint or presentation. The campers will get a chance to present their innovations to local IBM volunteers and executives who will in turn provide feedback.

Since its inception in 1999, 85 percent of the more than 5,000 girls who participated in an EX.I.T.E. Camp indicated that they would consider pursuing an engineering or technical-related degree when they go to college. This shift in perception is critical for companies that depend on technical talent to fill key positions in addition to being timely, as evidenced in a recent survey by the Society of Women Engineers, which indicated that 75 percent of girls, ages 12-17, do not plan to pursue careers in math, science or technology.

When the camps conclude, girls can stay in touch with the technical women at IBM through an e-mentoring program. So far, most girls have found the camps to be an effective motivational experience.

Parents may want to contact their child’s school to see if the school participates in the program. For general information on camps, visit the American Camp Association at www.acacamps.org.