Not Just Men Have This Problem
Balding is a well-known problem that afflicts the men of the world. Just take a look at any number of advertisements on TV or in magazines and you will get the impression that male baldness is at epidemic levels. While there is no question that men do in fact experience balding, much less attention is paid to thinning hair for women, yet it is a very real problem.
There are a few different things to think about when it comes to women losing their hair. Different causes require different treatments. Another important consideration is that a lot of women associate their hair with their beauty. So, if their hair starts thinning, it can be a serious blow to their self-esteem. Here are some things you should know about thinning hair for women.
1. Stress. Several scientific studies have been conducted to look at the effects of stress on the human body. Up until the 1980s it was common knowledge that stress caused ulcers. However, what wasn’t understood was how that happened. What researchers eventually realized was that stress causes the body to produce chemicals, and it’s these chemical the led to ulcers.
But these chemicals don’t only affect the lining of the stomach. They wreak havoc on all parts of the body, and that includes the hair follicles. This can lead to thinning hair, or even baldness. It’s difficult to reverse hair loss, but reducing stress can keep it from getting worse, or prevent it completely.
2. Diet. If you are noticing thinning hair, then it is quite possible that your diet could be playing a part. When your body doesn’t get enough of its essential nutrients then your body will start doing all kinds of things to try to fix the problem on its own. Therefore, if your hair requires certain nutrients, and you don’t get enough of them, then your hair won’t be as thick and less healthy than it could be.
3. Hair loss often starts early. The problem here is that female hair loss doesn’t get a lot of attention. For these reason, too many women are embarrassed to admit they have a problem, or even worse, totally ignore because they are in a state of denial. It’s even possible to start seeing some level of hair loss starting in their 20s. Of course the older they are, the more likely they are to have hair loss, but it can still happen much earlier.
But how can you try to fix the problem if you don’t know you have it? You can’t. So, you need to be diligent in checking your hair for thinning or bald spots, and then respond accordingly, and as soon as possible. Don’t be embarrassed and treat it like any other health problem.
4. It could be reversible. While there is no 100% proven cure for all types of baldness, when it comes to thinning hair for women, there are things that can be done. Their are medications that have been shown to regrow hair, depending on the type of baldness. the main thing to remember is that there is a chance it can be reversed, so it’s worth looking into.