Physical damage is not like picking up your computer and slamming it down on the floor or carrying it up a flight of stairs only to drop it at the top. Physical damage can occur in several ways. You use your computer’s hard drive everyday not realizing that every time you use it you are putting your computer at risk of a malfunction that can lose your data and be hard to recover it all completely.
Physical damage done to a CD-ROM is usually visible by scratches or marks that can be seen. When you insert these scratched up or marked disks into the hard drive they can cause mechanical failure to your system. You may or may not be able to reverse the damage once it is done and your computer will never operate the same. Dust can become trapped in the hard disk drive causing problems in your computer that may be irreversible. This type of damage can be prevented if you take the time to clean the area frequently and protect it with protective covers.
In order to fix any of the problems done to your hard drive you may need to take it to a professional in order to get if fixed. Professionals discourage users from fixing their own hard drives when physical damage has been done.
Complications may occur and may make the problem hard to fix with minimal expense. If you want to fix your own physical damage, consult a professional to make sure that you are using the right tools to keep damage and cost to a minimum.