Chain letter programs will not make you rich! All those claims
about the sender pulling in $20,000 the first time around;
$80,000 the second time; and $180,000 the third time; are just
outright lies!
It’s best not to get involved in ANY kind of chain letter scheme
because they ar ALL illegal, and sooner or later, the postal
authorities will close you down. If they find that you are, or
have been a willing participant, you could be fined, imprisoned,
or face a penalty of both as punishment.
Don’t get involved! Chain letters do not, and will not solve
any of your money problems. Anyone, and everyone, with any
experience in direct mail – and a sense of integrity or pride in
their business – will either quickly toss your letter into the
trash or else send it on to the postal inspectors for action on
their part.
Probably the biggest reason why chain letters don’t work, is the
continuing efforts of reputable mail order dealers in snuffing
out these schemes. Any money actually made or collected by a
chain letter is pocketed by the perpetrators. Sometimes the
person starting, and promoting a chain letter is able to pull a
hundred dollars or so before the postal authorities “nail” him –
but getting in as the “third name” on a list has never brought
in more than $5 or $10 total – even after such participants have
gone to the work and expense of sending out 1,000 letters.
Chain letters do nothing except cost you money!
However, many people are foolhardy enough to “try anything
once”, chain letter schemes being no exception. So if you’re
one of these people, and you think that by offering some sort of
product, you can get around the postal authorities, listen:
Do NOT mail your chain letter to any established business.
Especially, do NOT mail to any “known” mail order dealers.
Instead, take your phone book and pick out every tenth name or
so, front to back, and send your letters to these people. An
even better way would be to pull the names from a city directory
– available at your public library – and concentrate on people
living in the less affluent section of town.
Generally speaking, these people are more “money-hungry”, less
educated and completely naive to the “truths of mail order”.
These will be the people “most-likely” to take you up on
anything with chain letter connotations.
When you receive a chain letter opportunity in the mail check
the names and addresses against those you already have on file,
and then discard. Do NOT get involved in or perpetuate incoming
chain letters!
IMPORTANT: Should you receive a chain purporting to sell books
or money-making reports, do as advised in the paragraph above.
If there is a book or report listed that does interest you,
write to the dealer who supplied you this report. You will be
able to secure it, or one that better fits your needs.
Whenever you get a chain letter suggesting the names of
companies selling mailing lists, turn it over to your local
postmaster. The only time you would ever want to rent or buy
names from those companies listed in a chain letter, would be
when you already have “tons of money” and you’re doing research
to determine how many nixes you can accumulate from any one
list. Most of the mailing lists from any of the firms I’ve seen
listed as mailing list sources in chain letters, run about 80 –
85% undeliverable, and some of the companies listed aren’t even
in business anymore!
Any kind of letter, but specifically chain letters, that require
you to send money to a “printing headquarters” for so many
copies of the letter you received in order for you to get in on
the “big deal”, with your name and address imprinted – is
selling you printing services! They don’t care whether you ever
make a sale, or even if you never mail out one of the letters
they’re so willing to print up for you – they make their money
up-front by furnishing you with printed paper!
What about multi-level programs by mail? Most are simply
“people pyramids”. Organizations that make their profits from
new member fees. Before you get taken in, determine if YOU
would like to have the product they’re offering – if YOU want
it, send for it. And before you start sending out letters to
recruit new members, do some common sense market research –
what’s the real value of the product; how many people will
stand in line to buy it; and how much of your time and money is
it going to cost you in order to make a hundred dollars a week
in clear profits,,,
Success with anything is simply a matter of having something
DIFFERENT that APPEALS to the WANTS and/or DESIRES of the
greatest number of consumers possible – TARGETING your sales
efforts to reach the people wanting it badly enough to STAND IN
LINE TO BUY IT – and then, make it as PAINLESS as possible for
them to achieve SATISFACTION by purchasing that particular item
that fulfills THEIR NEEDS from YOU!
With this report, you’ve got the answers to all your questions,
and most of your dreams – Good luck in all your money-making