Tips To Help Keep Money In Your Pocket
I know it’s tough going today. Many of us have seen some sort of financial set back due to job loss or job downgrade. Having your income go down when everything else is going up can be frustrating and stressful. One thing you can do is to find ways to save on gas money.
There are many things you can do to save on gas money and in this article I will give you some very basic tips. Things that you can do either on your own or for very little money.
Here are some things you can do to save money on your gas bill:
1. Make sure your car is running properly. Such a simple thing can help you eeek out more miles per gallon and in the end, that will save you money.
Things like replacing dirty filters, keeping the oil changed and clean and making sure your timing is set correctly can help with your overall fuel economy.
2. When you get gas for your car, take a few minutes and check the tire pressure. Having your tires properly inflated is a simple, free thing you can do to save gas.
Not only will you save gas you can also extend the wear of your tires which will save you a lot of money in the long run too.
3. Make lists and plan out all your shopping and errands.
Forgetting something and having to go out multiple times will end up using more gas and costing you more money. Some simple planning can help you cut back.
4. Do you have the type of job that can be done at home? More and more employers are willing to let their employees work from home.
Your employer might not want you to do it all the time, but even one or two days a week spent working from home can save you a lot of excess gas usage.
Don’t be afraid to ask, you will be surprised at how receptive many companies are to this idea now days.
3. Use your computer as much as possible. Today more and more things can be done right online.
If possible, use your computer to order tickets, buy things or pay bills.
The more you can do online, the less you have to drive.
4. Not everyone is in a financial position to buy a new, more energy efficient car, but if you can you may want to consider that as an option.
There are many makes and models that offer better fuel economy. And, if you choose, you can even consider an electric or electric/ gas combination.
These hybrids can get more miles per gallon of gas.
There are many ways you can save on gas money. You know your lifestyle and overall situation better than anyone, why not try to come up with even more ideas of how to cut down on the amount you drive and how much you spend on gas every month?