The definition of pheromones is: chemical substances that are usually produced by an animal and serve especially as a stimulus to other individuals of the same species for one or more behavioral responses.
These substances are excreted by the body and are odorless. They are powerful though and play a large role in the continuation of the species. All animals secrete pheromones, especially insects. In humans, these substances are excreted through the sweat glands.
So, how do they work, exactly? These chemical substances have no scent but they, nevertheless, are detected through the nose. The VNO, or Vemeronasal Organ in the nose is the specific sensory organ that does the detecting.
How it works is: There are two small holes on either side of the septum in the nose with a mass of cells just beyond the holes. These cells are solely responsible for detecting when these substances are present. These cells in the nose then send a message to the emotion center of the brain, called the hypothalamus, triggering a sexual response in that person or other animal species.
You do not actually know this is happening inside your body although you could probably figure it out if you suddenly feel attracted to someone you are standing close to.
There is also a theory floating around that states that not only do these chemical substances attract the opposite sex but they also help you make friends as well. These odorless chemicals excreted into the air are the things that make someone feel comfortable around you and want to stay where you are.
It seems, though, that humans through evolution, can no longer produce enough of these chemicals to adequately attract the opposite sex. And it is further believed that the strong scents we use today in our deodorants and other personal car products can at least overpower our own production of these chemicals and at the most can even destroy what does get produced.
So, how do we fix this? Many companies have come out with synthesized versions of the naturally occurring chemicals in the form of sprays or colognes you can dab on before going out. The problem is that they usually do not work and are really a waste of your money.
The reason they do not work is the fact that everyone has their own unique chemical that they excrete and this cannot be mass produced because it will only work for one person, you.
If you want real results when trying to attract the opposite sex it would be your best bet to find a product that will help your body produce more of your own unique “scent”. There are now herbal supplements, when taken as directed, will help your body do just that. You will be able to see the results for yourself after just a few doses of these herbal supplements.
Do some research online to find them and you will not be disappointed. Pheromones are extremely powerful and can definitely influence the sexual desires in others, so get to it.