Does Your Treadmill Need Repair

Is your Treadmill having problems?
If you are here because:

*1. You own a treadmill.
*2. You are having problems with your treadmill.
*3. You want to prevent problems before they happen.

Then you need the Treadmill Report

Treadmills act like vacumn cleaners and seem to attract dust and dirt. This being the case, they need regular cleaning. We have found that:

* Most motors overload and burn up because they are either full of dust and dirt ,or the deck and belt are worn so much that they cause excessive current draw on the motor.

* Many belts have to be replaced because they have been out of alignment for so long that they have split or the edges have curled and are rubbing on the covers.

* Many people risk being hurt every year because their treadmill will suddenly jump from 2 or 3 mph to 8 or 9 mph, or sometimes just stop, all because of dirty speed sensors.

I you are having these problems there is help! You need the TREADMILL REPORT. This report is a must for every treadmill owner. It will help you diagnose and solve most of your problems as well as prevent future problems.

Included in this report are directions for performing preventive maintenance on your treadmill and, repair procedures for some of the most common problems.

Please follow these directions for safe and efficient use of your treadmill for you and your family.

The procedures for checking these items are all in the Free Treadmill Report!