Intrinsic Acne Treatment

The acne skin care industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Most of the acne clear up products are available through prescription in the industry.

That is the prescription medications for acne are pretty expensive. If you are someone who think who can not purchase those heavily marketed expensive prescription medications for acne, you should try the alternative medication for acne.

Alternative medication for acne is an intrinsic or natural method for acne treatment. There are many intrinsic products for treating acne. Though they are indeed low in number as compared to the prescription medications, but they have worked for thousands of people.

Many people even don’t consider purchasing prescription medications for acne; even they can easily purchase the world-wide marketed prescription medicines without even a fraction of influence on their budgets.

Those people, to avoid getting the harsh side effects of the prescription medicines for acne treatment, come to the alternative means.

So, you should not be disheartened when coming to the intrinsic acne treatments. A lot of the rich and famous people invest their money in intrinsic acne treatment medicines.

Benefits of Intrinsic Acne Treatment:

Following are some of the benefits associated with intrinsic acne treatment that attract masses:

ַ One Hundred Percent Safe

ַ Highly Effective

ַ Low Cost

ַ Easy Availability

ַ Ease of Use

Another benefit of using intrinsic acne treatment products is that they are very effective for removing acne scars as well.

You gain everything and lose nothing with intrinsic acne treatment.

Identify Your Acne Before You Get Treatment

Understanding how to treat your Acne involves knowing which type of Acne may have. Acne has many variations, ranging in severity from mild to much more serious cases that can cause disfigurement. There are many treatments for acne available on the market, but it is very important to first identify your Acne type before choosing a treatment.

Acne Vulgaris
The most common form of Acne is named Acne Vulgaris. This type of acne can be easily identified by looking at the characteristics of the lesions.

– Whiteheads: When a pore becomes completely blocked by trapping sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria, you will notice a white appearance on the surface. Whiteheads normally will disappear fast than blackheads on your skin. You should resist the temptation to pop these pimples
– Blackheads: When are pore is only partially blocked, the trapped sebum, bacteria and dead skin will have slowly drained to the surface of your skin. The black color is caused by your skins pigment and melanin reacting with oxygen. Blackheads will normally take longer to disappear than whiteheads. You should also resist the temptation to pop these pimples too.
– Pustules: You can identify a pustule by a red circle with a white or yellow center. The pustule will look similar to a whitehead with the difference being inflammation. Pustules are commonly referred to as Zits.
– Papules: The papule is a red, inflamed and tender bump on the skin with no visible head. You should not attempt to squeeze this lesion as you may cause or exacerbate scarring.
– Severe Acne Vulgaris: The sever types of Acne Vulgaris include Nodules and Cysts and will be quite painful. You should consult your dermatologist for treating these types of acne.

Acne Rosacea
Acne Rosacea may look very similar to Acne Vulgaris and often causes confusion. Millions of people are affected by Acne Rosacea, and it mostly strikes people over the age of 30. It will start to appear as a reddish rash on the cheeks, forehead, nose and/or chin. You may also notice small bumps, skin blemishes or pimples in the area. Blackheads are not a symptom of Rosacea. You should consult your dermatologist if you suspect you have Rosacea, because treatment is often very different.

There are other very serious forms of Acne such as Acne Conglobata, Acne Fulminans, Gram-Negative Folliculitis and Pyoderma Faciale. These forms of Acne are very rare, but they can be disfiguring, painful and have psychological effects.

It is always recommended that you consult with your dermatologist to confirm the type of Acne you have and the best treatments available. The above information should only be used as a reference, and only a trained dermatologist can accurately diagnose your Acne.

Not another ZIT

Does the agony and humiliation ever end? Hmm, let me think about that one for a moment? Uh, no. The truth is that nearly 80 percent of us end up with blemish issues. It may be minor and it may get severe. Much depends on your genes and skin type. But don’t waste your time scowling at the few individuals who never get a single pimple. Even though they’re annoying, you need to focus on how to prevent acne from happening in the first place. This is the key, I tell ya! Prevention makes so much more sense than grappling with 50 whiteheads and infinite blackheads spanning across your face. Ready to get started?

So many individuals ask the question HOW. Well, there are a few simple steps that anyone and everyone afflicted with acne can take to help prevent it. First of all, what’s with your eating habits? If you truly want to know how to prevent acne, it starts from the inside. What you consume will have an effect on your complexion. Foods that are high in fat and sugar are especially damaging to your skin. These two elements WILL cause blemishes and zits. Now I’m not telling you that you can never again enjoy a Big Mac and fries, but I am telling you to make it a rare thing. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and water. Avoid massive amounts of junk food and dairy products. These will only worsen your situation. Okay, step two regarding how to prevent acne; keep your mug clean! Wash your face morning and night with a gentle cleanser and tepid water. Avoid HOT water, which can irritate and over-dry your skin. The last thing you need is dry skin and pimples. Soon more will pop up due to the dead skin blocking your pores. Now, the final step! Acquire a good and effective acne treatment medication. This may be found in the local drugstore, or it may need to be subscribed by a dermatologist. See a professional first for advice.

We all can learn the proper steps on how to prevent acne. It all depends on your tenacity and dedication. Are you willing to work for that great complexion, or are you more interested in the slacker route? The choice is totally up to you. I will state that clear skin is certainly a confidence booster.

How Your Diet And Acne Condition Are Related

What you are is what you eat! Whether this statement holds good in the case of acne has been a topic which has been under rigorous research. Some people believe that certain foods cause acne while others think vice versa. But, it is very much possible that acne may be the result of food allergies in some cases.

In such cases, the prevalent notion is that skin acts as an elimination organ. When you eat a food that you are allergic to, a toxic reaction occurs which leads the immune system of your body to set up defenses against it. Thereafter, the body starts expelling out the toxins from the food leading to inflammation on the skin in the form of papules and pustules.

According to a research published in December 2002 issues of Archives of Dermatology, certain high-glycemic foods cause acne. These food stuffs lead to high production of insulin in the body, which raises the male hormones. As an effect of rising hormones, there is excess production of sebum in the body which ultimately leads to clogging of pores thereby causing acne. Foods such as grains, milk, processed food, bread, french fries and potato chips are the main culprits in this case.

The experts suggest a switch over to a lower-glycemic diet. A lower-glycemic diet would contain the following:

1. Cereals that contain bran, barley and oats
2. A lot of fresh vegetables and fruits
3. Lots of water, herbal teas and vegetable juices

And a lower-glycemic diet would not contain the following:

1. Walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, and filberts
2. Large amount of dairy products and milk
3. Sodas and other aerated drinks
4. Potatoes

Vitamin B5 is considered to be a very important part of a nutrient rich diet. It is commonly found in foods such as pork, beef, chicken, eggs, saltwater fish, potatoes, wheat and fresh vegetables. The variety of foods is large, but the problem is that 50 % of the vitamin is lost during milling of grains and sadly, the average American diet lacks in fresh vegetables. Diet may not be the particular cause of acne and rosacea but can obviously help in the prevention and elimination of the same. Hot and damp foods such as sugary cakes, cookies, sweets, alcohol, chocolate, fried and greasy food, dairy products, peanuts, coconut products, fats and oils, generally trigger acne.

The link may not be direct but it is always advisable to stop the intake of these believed-to-be acne causing foods. A healthy and well-balanced diet keeps your body healthy and the health inside radiates outside on your skin.

Battle Against Acne And Acne Scars

Just as a war has a post-war effect (on the completion of the war), acne healing is not the end of the story. It is the beginning of a new series of efforts to control the scars, and if possible, to obliterate it totally. It is the reformation and rehabilitation process for that particular patch of the skin.

Many people recoup the original health of the skin, without any permanent effects. But many have to suffer disfiguring scars. Topical skin care products and medications can work to some extent, but more efforts and ways and means will be required to find a lasting solution. A combination of surgical procedure and skin resurfacing have to play their part here. There are no other shortcuts or options to it howsoever.

The hyper pigmented mark on the skin, when the acne lesion is healed, should not be mistaken as a scar. At this stage, natural healing process has taken over, a post-inflammatory change. The result may not be immediate, nature is always slow, it goes placidly. The time frame for the scar-vanishing trick, may be anything between 6 to 12 months. If, even then the skin reverts to its original color, take it that you are going to be gifted with a permanent scar, and think of redrawing the plans for its permanent removal, in consultation with a dermatologist.

There are certain practices and medicines that can come in to play to expedite the healing process of the scar:

1. Wearing a good sunscreen is of utmost importance. Exposure to the sun causes damage to the skin and lengthens the process of healing.

2. Skin’s remodeling process is amenable to certain tried and tested medicines. They heal up the post-inflammatory changes. One tested medicine is Tretinoin (Retin A-Renova, Avita).

3. Do not pick scabs under any circumstances. By doing so, you are rendering disservice to your own skin. You are interfering with the healing process of nature. By doing so, you are prolonging your own recovery.

Be realistic about the results. Do not try to achieve the impossible. Such efforts may cause more damage to the skin. No single treatment is right for everyone and your dermatologist knows what is best for you. Remember, treatment is addressed on a case-to-case basis.

No doubt, it is double punishment. Firstly to undergo the pains of recovery from acne and then to be the owner of a scar. Scars are there to remind you constantly and provide questioning room for others. In the ultimate analysis, let the advice and wish of the dermatologist prevail.

Unwanted Guest Acne

Acne is the most unwanted guest. It arrives at the most unsuspected time, without any notice. It is a universal skin disorder. Call it a skin disease. It is not contagious. Is it hereditary? There is no consensus on this point among the researchers dominating the acne wonderland. Acne spares none, not even infants, children, men. And for women, it is not only a physical ailment, it is more of a psychological one.

All the more, when acne attacks your face, ‘a face saving devise’ has to be found on the top-priority basis. The market is flooded with soaps, lotions, gels, creams and antibiotics, and, above all, with highly capable sales-force to promote these products.

Acne infantilis is the term used for acne that grows on newborn babies. As for the middle aged people, it is known as acne rosaces. And there are many classifications of acne, according to the nature and severity of the disease. Comedo is the form where all the severe acne cases originate. Whiteheads and blackheads are two forms of comedo.
Wherein, whiteheads are deeply situated into the skin layers.

How do you know acne has arrived? Observe and take note of red swelling or small lesions on the skin. The skin coloration is on account of accumulation of dark skin pigments called melemin, supported by hardened sebum and other skin debris and particles. Pus filled lesions are termed as pustules. When acne assumes serious proportions, it is called cyst.

What is the cause of acne? Very difficult to pinpoint as such. But it is highly probable that some of the causes are, poor diet, stress, weather elements, hormonal imbalance and to some extent, genetic influences.

Greasy and spicy foods can cause oily or acne skin. Foods that aggravate acne are acid producing foods. Foods that benefit and help to mitigate the suffering of acne are those containing minerals, especially iron rich foods.

Dry, rough, scaly skin, wrinkling, itching, pimples loss of elasticity, premature aging, enlarged pores, irregular sebacious gland production, dandruff, split/peeling nails, poor night vision, burning and itching eyes, thickening of cornea, skin being slow to heal and grow— these all are the positive indications of the impending arrival of acne.

So, get advice and help from your dermatologist and cancel all the future appointments with acne!

How To Use Blackhead Remover

When ever you go to a beautician, dermatologist, cosmetologist, Always prefer to take your own tools with you to prevent yourself from blood born infections like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV.

How To remove Blackhead.
It is highly advised that you should also consult your dermatologist for proper use of these quality tools. However, here we can give you simple technique to use comedone extractor. Pesky blackhead is a mixture of dead skin cells, oil and bacteria that builds up inside our skin’s pores. Use the same tools as professional aesthetician or dermatologist use to extract blackheads, pimples & clogged pores. They can be exterminated by using a quality professional comedone extractor.

First, lay a warm, wet wash cloth on your face for a few minutes. After a shower is an ideal time to extract. Steaming the face or using a hot water compress is strongly recommended to help soften comedones. This will make them much easier to remove. When you’re ready to begin the extraction process lay the looped side on top of the blackhead – basically encircling this area with the loop. Apply slow and even pressure lightly until the trapped sebum is forced out of the follicle. The blackhead — oil and all — will ooze up and out of the pore. Do not continue to attempt the extraction if the trapped sebum is not released easily. Applying too much force can cause infection and scarring. When piercing a whitehead with lancet (Pointed end), wait until the whitehead breaks open, then gently roll the tool over the whitehead. Be sure to disinfect the area when finished and clean your tool off with alcohol or hot water. A deep, cystic pimple should not be opened with the lancet. When dealing with deep acne, it’s best to visit a dermatologist. A doctor may use a sterile needle, but only after a pustule has formed. Additional treatments depend on the severity of the acne.

Remember Never use fingers or suction guns for removing blackheads, that may aggravate skin infections.

Some women buy suction guns for blackheads. Suction Gun is made up of plastic, so can’t be sterilized. Suction gun toys never clean the pores completely and deeply, result is that you will get acne and pimples again. Suction Gun may cause broken capillary conditions and is also not very effective. Only the very superficial dead cells and dirt may be sucked away, leaving the condition with no evident improvement.

Always use Professional quality tools for your skin rather than buying cheap and lower quality implements.

How To Treat Acne Through Diet Changes

According to older beliefs, acne can be caused by excessive consumption of greasy foods and chocolate. Many dermatologists and other skin professionals now say that there is no proven scientific connection between food and acne.

However, I prefer to believe that what you choose to put in your body will have a definite effect on your health, including your skin condition. Sugary foods, excessive caffeine, and greasy, fatty snacks—all have a negative effect on our bodies and overall health. Not drinking enough water also does not help in skin repair and formation of new tissue. If your skin is particularly susceptible to acne, having a poor diet will definitely not help the situation.

It is known that eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to a surge in insulin. This in turn may create a condition referred to as IGF-1, where an increase in insulin creates the production of excess male hormones. Excessive male hormones can create an excess of sebum, the greasy stuff that can clog pores, attract bacteria, and create monster zits. IGF-1 is also believed to cause keratinocytes to multiply, which can wreak havoc on skin.

Doctors have consistently warned of the health dangers of consuming saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats have an overall negative effect on the body, weakening the immune system, promoting inflammation, and for acne sufferers, perhaps raising the skin’s oil production level. To have the best complexion possible, keep your body healthy and filled with good, health-promoting nutrients. You should strive to reduce saturated fats because they promote inflammation, and will not help you in your battle against acne.

Certain oils are, however, absolutely essential to your health. These essential fatty acids reduce inflammation, and help promote healthy skin, nails and hairs. Examples here include flax oil, olive oil, and fish oil.

You should also ensure that you have an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals on a regular basis. Vitamin A is paramount for promoting healthy skin. Avocados and carrots are excellent sources of Vitamin A. Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, and Zinc are other important nutrients for promoting a good complexion.

Another aspect to consider in terms of diet is your food allergies. Sometimes, people experience severe cases of acne, even if they lead a very healthy diet and have never suffered from severe acne before. In these cases, the cause may be a potential food allergy.

If you suspect your acne is caused by a food allergy, begin by increasing your daily amount of water consumption. Then try to rule out the root cause of your potential acne. Common causes of food allergies include dairy products, excess sugar, and certain refined flours and grains. Also, avoid foods rich in iodine, which have been linked to acne. Iodine-rich foods may include salt, liver, cheese, crabs, shellfish, clams, and kelp products. If you consume iodized salt, make the switch to sea salt. If you find dairy products worsening your acne, consider switching to soy or rice milk and cheese products.

The only way to prove whether there is a link between your acne and food is first by making definite changes to your diet. Observe carefully and see if you are better able to control your acne through the diet changes. Even if your acne is not caused by diet, you gain in terms of having a healthier and well nourished body. It is likely that your physical appearance will benefit from a body that is not filled with junk food!

How To Treat Acne

Zits or pimples may appear harmless but it can ruin a person’s social life and can even destroy his self confidence. For one, it is disfiguring and can mar even a beautiful face. A person who has a severe case of acne usually has low self regard and prefers to live away from people.

Pimple or acne usually appears during puberty, a point in a person’s life when he still has not yet fully developed his confidence. Having acne at that young age limits a person’s social life because he may have bad feelings about showing his face to others. Ultimately, it can destroy a person’s future.

It is unthinkable how many people allow their lives to be inhibited by acne when there are numerous ways of treating such skin disorder. A person, or even his parents, should immediately seek treatment for this skin disorder as soon as possible to avoid further damage top the skin.

Acne is caused by the secretion of oil that is thickened and leads to the clogging of pores. When the pores get clogged, it can lead to inflammation and infection and then to scarring.

While acne is commonly identified with those facial zits, other body parts like the back, neck and chest can also experience acne breakouts. However, most people do not really fuss about these zits since these are located in hidden body parts. Facial acne is however another story since it is the first thing that a person sees.

To avoid acne, you have to keep your skin clean and free of oil all the time. Too much oil build up in the skin can cause acne. Some people are more prone to getting acne so they have to be more careful about keeping their skins free from oil build up.

People who have acne can resort to topical treatments at first but if it does not work out, then it is best to seek treatment and proper prescriptions from licensed dermatologists.

When stronger acne treatments have been prescribed but they do not work, your dermatologist may recommend accutane. This is a prescribed oral medicine which can be effective but its effects can only be seen after a few months of taking it.

Whatever you do with your acne, never prick them because it can only add to the bacteria and can result to scarring. Acne treatments that work for other people may not work on you but keep on seeing your dermatologist until you come up with an effective treatment.

Do not let acne limit your social life. Get help and get some acne treatment before your acne becomes worse and even more difficult to handle.

How To Select The Best Acne Product

Acne affects close to 80% of the American population at some point or another. Because of the wide range of acne products available in the market, most acne sufferers have problems deciding which acne product to use for treatment. In fact, prior to consulting a dermatologist, most would first use over the counter drugs and medications.

Dermatologists often advise the use of such acne products (example Neutragena, Eucerin, Aquanil, Cetaphil and Extra Gentle Cleanser) if your case is severe. They will however, usually discourage the use of rough cleansers and scrubs. Also, vigorous rubbing of the skin is best avoided as these may create further irritation and may eventually lead to more acne.

To be able to select the best suitable acne product for yourself, you must learn how to read labels. That is, you have to acquire an understanding of the ingredients of the acne medications. Also, you have to identify which ingredients and which acne products work best for your type of skin.

Benzoyl peroxide, a common ingredient contained in most acne medications are effective in reducing the acne infecting bacteria termed as the « Propionibacterium acnes ». These are known to clog the pores while creating acne lesions. Moderate cases of acne are usually treated with such over the counter medications. Some of these medications also remove dead skin cells, thus preventing the appearance of comedones. They have been highly regarded among experts for decades now and is still rising in popularity as a safe way of clearing acne form the skin. However, the only serious side effect from using benzoyl peroxide is abnormal dry skin.

Another acne product that is noted to obstruct the quick shedding of the skin and the clogging of the skin pores is salicylic acid. This does not reduce the presence of the natural oil , but it prevents the formation of lesions in the hair follicles.

It is advisable that you continue using these two acne products even after the severity of the skin disease disappears to minimize the likelihood of future acne breakouts. However, over time, it is a good idea to cut down the usage of these products once you have no more acne.

The effective ways to determine which product, from the multitude of acne products available, is to distinguish the result of the active ingredients. Take note of what they do to your skin. It is recommended to avoid alcohol and oil-base products as these may either dry your skin extremely or add to the problem of excess oil. As you experiment with acne products, take note which leaves a soft feel and which results to itchiness and irritation.

Make it a habit to apply only small amounts at the beginning of each acne treatment. Also, pay close attention to the acne products for which your skin reacts constructively.

There is really no way round selecting the best acne product other than understanding what the ingredients in each product are for and through experimenting which works best for your skin condition. In time, after due diligence and careful analysis, you will be able to determine the best acne product for yourself.

How To Remove Your Acne

Acne is an inevitable experience for most teenagers. It’s a universal enemy of most young adults and ironically a result of growing from child to adult. While it’s not entirely avoidable, there are ways to reduce one’s acne.

Dermatologists worldwide have been battling acne for years – most of them are consulted after the acne has started. And what they contribute is great expertise, medications, tips on good hygiene, and emotional support that confirms that some acne is a normal part of life. None of this helps the self-esteem or confidence of the teenager who consistently deals with a face in the mirror they don’t like. So consider some additional ways to limit the affect of acne in your life. Primarily, take care of your body. What type of food are you eating? How much sleep do you get? Do you wash with a hypoallergenic soap? These considerations are important ones. Food, for example, plays a big part in acne. Consult your dermatologist or online guide for more tips but be aware that fruits and vegetables are great for more than just healthy bones and teeth – they also lead to healthy skin. Similarly, watch your intake of sugar and manufactured products with heavy oil or fat.

Another preventative measure is to review and sample Proactiv, Clearasil, and other acne prevention or removal products and see if any of them work for you. Depending on your skin type, the type of acne you have, or how your body responds to different forms of medication, these products may have a selective benefit for you.

Finally, take care of your insides. No matter what effect acne has on your outside appearance during your teen years, only you can determine how you feel about your appearance and your looks. I’m not trying to minimize the emotional affect of acne, especially if some of the scars are permanent, but appearance alone is still only one factor that contributes to one’s confidence and ultimately their enjoyment of and success in life. If you can regularly look in the mirror and say « I like myself » or « I like who I’m becoming », acne will never determine your sense of self. Do your best to prevent or reduce acne’s affect on your physical appearance, and don’t forget to take care of your inner self as well.

How To Prevent Acne

Many young people as well as older adults suffer from Acne. There is really no “cure” for acne and one can only take measures to help prevent acne. Acne is a condition of clogged pores caused by overactive oil glands. This usually occurs in puberty and can continue into adulthood in some cases. There are some measures you can take to prevent acne or at least keep its severity to a minimum:

· Make sure that you keep your skin clean. Wash regularly. Washing regularly helps to get rid of the excess oil on your skin plus bacteria and dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause outbreaks.

· Get the proper amount of rest. Your body restores and refreshes skin cells while you are resting. Teenagers are notorious for not getting enough rest but it is essential in helping to prevent acne.

· Don’t squeeze or pick at pimples because this has the risk of producing a more severe infection.

· After you exercise take a shower so that the sweat does not contribute to clogging your pores and producing another acne outbreak. This is a very important consideration because many people have a shower many hours after they have finished their exercise, by which time some of the damage will have already been done. The best advice is to exercise at a place where there are shower facilities.

· Wear clean white t-shirts to help keep acne off your back. The white t-shirts tend to absorb the excess oils in your skin and will help to prevent acne on your back at least.

· Take off any makeup before going to bed. Again, the key here is to keep your pores clear of oil and bacteria and help prevent acne outbreaks.

· Don’t use oil-based sunscreen or skin lotions if you have a tendency for acne outbreaks. These will only contribute to the problem.

· After washing, you can also use a cleaning solution on your skin containing what is known as Salicylic Acid. Only use a 2% solution. This can be found in some acne cleaning pad products.

The most important key to preventing acne outbreaks is to keep your pores clear. Clogged pores are the main cause of acne.

How To Pay For Expensive Acne Treatments

With all of the doctor visits, possible procedures and medications, acne treatments can be very expensive. For those who have health insurance, it may or may not be covered in your policy. Because acne treatments may be considered as cosmetic, some health insurance companies may not cover the costs associated with it’s treatment. The best way to find out, however, is to review your health insurance policy or call your local agent for more information. Many individuals, for various reasons, do not have health insurance and they are often the ones who are most concerns with the related costs. Whether you do or do not have health insurance, there are ways to pay for expensive acne treatments if you find yourself carrying the full financial responsibility.

An increasing number of hospitals and/or private practice physicians offer a convenient payment plan, which allows their patients to set up a scheduled payment system for their high-cost acne treatments. This doesn’t usually require a credit check and is not a line of credit, but is rather a way of offering patients a convenience of gradually payment for services after they have been rendered. This is a privilege that is not available everywhere, but is rapidly catching on. In order to find out if your physician offers this type of plan for acne treatments, check with the billing office. There will typically be a schedule set up for payments and it is important not to miss it. The reason is because, if payments are missed, the physician or medical care facility may revoke your plan and demand payment in full. In addition, it isn’t likely that you would be granted this same privilege if payments for acne treatments are late or collection efforts must be pursued.

If acne is extreme and neither of the above mentioned financial scenarios are possible, consider selling some of your unwanted items around the house at online auctions, yard sales, flea markets, etc. These are all terrific ways to earn some extra money, which can quickly add up and help you to pay for expensive acne treatments.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding the use of acne treatments. Prior to beginning any treatment regimen, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor or dermatologist for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation.

How to identify the best skin care lotion for you

Lotion is a beauty product made from water and oil mixture that is being applied to skin to keep it soft and younger looking. Lotions available in the market today are being used as antiseptics, antibiotic, antifungal, and anti-acne agents. In addition, they are also being used as protective or soothing agents and commonly use to aid body massage.

Lotions are enriched with essential oils and/or botanicals to care for the skin. They are specially formulated to leave skin feeling soft and silky smooth. In addition, they beautify, improve tone, and hydrate all sensitive and delicate skin types.

When people buy lotion, they must consider their skin type first to get the most appropriate one. Here are some tips when buying skin care lotions:

1. Normal skin.

People who are lucky enough to have normal skin can use any type of lotion. These people do not have noticeable blemishes or acne. Their skin is soft and supple. Also, their skin has beautiful texture and pigment and does not have oily sheen. These people can get any lotion available in the market today and won’t have problems keeping their skin looking brilliant and attractive. However, dermatologists recommend lotions that contains Vitamin E, A, and C to keep the skin smooth and soft.

2. Oily skin.

Oily skin is caused by overactive sebaceous gland. People who have oily skin have wet sheen around the chin, nose, and forehead. They also have visible pimples and blackheads all over the face and sometimes on some other part of the body. These people usually have large pores on the face that have greasy feel. To dry out the oily skin, these people must choose a lotion that is specially formulated to regulate the sebaceous gland. These lotions are often expensive compare to other lotion in the market but they usually work. The good thing about having an oily skin is it is not prone to wrinkles.

3. Dry Skin.

Dry skin can be a result of cold weather, genetics, excessive bathing, or allergic reaction. It is commonly rough, scaly, and itchy if not remedied. People who have dry skin are sensitive to cold and heat, they also have flakes on the cheeks, although they are unlikely to develop acne. The secret in soothing dry skin is regular use of moisturizers and thicker lotions. Lotions that are specifically designed for dry skin contain Alpha hydroxyl acids that is being used to exfoliate the top layer of the skin to get rid of dryness. Dermatologists recommend regular use of moisturizer and lotions to achieve soft and supple skin.

Skin condition must also be taken into consideration when buying lotion. People who are suffering from Eczema for example must use especially formulated lotion recommended by their dermatologists.

Knowing the skin type is very important when getting a lotion that would match the need of the skin. This is a sure fire way in attaining attractive and soft skin.

Most skin care lotions in the market today are generally safe and do not have side effects. They can be applied directly to the body as directed. However, if irritation, itching, or redness occurs immediately seek medical attention. Also, do not forget to inform the dermatologist right away about allergic reaction to some substances and skin disorder/infections before trying out new lotions.

How To Get Rid Of Acne: 3 Steps Toward A Fair Complexion

There are many types of acne, but the most common form occurs during the teenage years when young adults experience a dramatic increase in hormone levels. These hormones signal the skin glands to produce more oil. When this oil mixes with dead cells, it can clog pores in the skin and trap bacteria as well. The result is often a raised tissue area characterized by swelling, redness, and pus. These bumps are also known as “pimples,” the symptom most commonly associated with acne.

Acne can occur anywhere on the face, neck, back, or chest, and severe cases can lead to social alienation, or emotional and physical scars. Although mild acne can not be entirely prevented, you can take three steps to minimize its impact.

Gently Cleanse Your Skin: Each day, gently wash your skin with lukewarm water. Avoid scrubbing your face too hard or washing it too often. Doing so can make your acne worse. Also avoid using skin and hair care products that contain excess oil. Instead, use water-based skin care soaps that gently cleanse your skin, such as Neutrogena or Dove.

Apply Topical Ointments: At least once daily, but no more than three times a day, apply a nonprescription topical ointment to problematic areas. One of the best products is Clearasil because it contains both benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Benzoyl peroxide works to unplug clogged pores, while salicylic acid helps clear up blemishes by causing the top layer of skin to peel. Products that contain tea tree oil (commonly found in gels, creams, and lotions) or alpha-hydroxy acid are also desirable. However, remember that if you use a product too often, your acne can get worse. So confine your applications to less than three times per day unless otherwise directed by a doctor.

Avoid the Following: Make sure to avoid the following acts which can trigger acne flare-ups: overexposure to the sun, the wearing of tight-fitting items that rub against the skin, excess stress, constant touching of the face, working with oils or harsh chemicals, excessive sweating, hair hanging in your face, or the use of hair care products that contain oils. Also avoid squeezing pimples. Squeezing pimples can result in an infection and/or long-term scaring.

While mild acne is annoying, it will eventually pass. Most people will outgrow acne by their early-twenties, so there is reason to be optimistic. Make each of the above steps part of your daily routine, and you should be able to control your acne. However, those with more severe cases of acne should consult a dermatologist.

How To Deal With Acne

People who suffer from acne know that it is no laughing matter. Having bad acne can lead to shyness, under-confidence and insecurity so any product on the market that promises to solve acne problems is sure to be popular. However, if you are an acne sufferer then there is some good news; when you are in the later years of your life, your skin will be wrinkle-free. This is because acne sufferers have oily skin and these active oil glands will be of great benefit in later years when the skin looses its elasticity.

Acne is usually found where the oil glands are more active and where the skin has more pores. The pores are the holes where the body hair comes through, and the oil glands that are around these pores secret sebum. The sebum may be produced in excessive amounts and this combined with any grime that is on the skin, will develop into acne.

The other thing to remember about acne is that it will clear up. Most people do suffer with acne when they are a teenager, but the acne will lessen as you get older, and having wrinkle-free skin in the later years in life is a great thing to look forward to!

Many people will try an array of products to try and get rid of acne. But you do not need to use expensive toiletries or cosmetics to help acne. There are a few basic things that you can do to help clear up acne and calm the skin down. Firstly start with a cleaning regime that you do everyday. By strictly keeping the skin clean, by cleansing toning and moisturising you will help your acne. You don’t need to use very expensive products for this; just by cleaning and toning your skin everyday should help with your acne.

The other thing that you can do to help with acne problems is look at your diet. It is always important to have a healthy diet, and this can be of great importance where acne is concerned. Make sure you have a varied diet and eat an array of all of the food groups.

Drinking plenty of water and eating a lot of fruit and vegetables will help not only your health but also your acne. Another great way to combat acne is by doing exercise. Increasing the blood flow to the skin will help with acne, but it is important to remember to keep clean when exercising and shower before and after.

If you make these simple changes to your life you will feel the benefit and you will also see an improvement to your acne. Acne can be a real problem but if you do all that you can by changing what you eat and how you exercise you will soon see an improvement in your acne. It’s important to remember that acne does not stay forever, so no matter how bad you think your acne is now, it will get better.

How to Cure Acne Naturally – Simple Ways

Enlisted here are some ways on how to cure acne naturally. It’s not most of the time that we have the budget for maintaining a clear and healthy skin. For some people, getting facial sessions or buying expensive anti-acne facial products are just a norm, but for some, its not. But one thing’s for sure, acne outbreak can affect anybody. So for those who does not want to spend tons and tons of money just to maintain a smooth zit-free skin, follow these simple steps that would definitely make your appearance a la Hollywood star.

1. Use facial soaps specifically designed for acne. Nowadays, there are sulfur-based soaps that are made to heal and dry acne fast. Wash your face at least two times every day. First wash should be done in the morning when you wake up and second, at night before you sleep. No matter how tiring your whole day might have been, don’t forget to clean your face before you snooze to unclog your pores of all the pollutants you faced. However, consistently washing your face every now and then can actually trigger the sebaceous glands to create more sebum, thus, making it more prone to acne outbreak.

2. Drink enough water every day. If possible, go on for a juice or water fasting. This is the easiest way on how to cure acne naturally. It is not really a hassle doing so. Offices and schools now have water stations so you don’t need to carry a bottled one when you go to your place of work everyday. Drinking liquids is essential in everybody’s over all health. It is also responsible for carrying toxins out of the body that causes pimple and other acne flare-ups. Although you might need a few trips to the washroom, it is actually worth it.

3. To cure acne naturally is as simple as not picking or squeezing your zits. It is really quite tempting but touching the affected area, especially you have unclean hands, can increase the production of sebum. Once a pimple or blackheads were squeezed, the membranes below the skin are actually ruptured making the sebum spread underneath the skin and causing infection.

4. Try to engage in activities such as yoga, gym trips on any form of exercise. You may eliminate toxins with these activities through sweating. Detoxification is the key. This is not a healthy way on how to cure acne naturally but would give you a fit and stronger body as well.

5. Change you pillow case after two days. Your pillow cover absorbs all the oil and dirt as you lay down on it every day. Keep you sheets clean to prevent reapplication of the grime and oil that would surely result to even more acne outbreak.

Acne is just like any other form of disease than can be cured without the help of medicines and drugs or expensive products for that matter. Just follow these simple ways on how to cure acne naturally and you are on to a clear and healthier looking skin.

How to Cure Acne Naturally

Let’s face it: We mostly judge people on how they look.

This is a fact that cannot be denied and the reason why almost everyone is obsessed with their appearance. This is also why if anyone suffers from acne, they often go to any length to control this image distorting skin disease.

I am saying this from first-hand experience, pimples, commonly known as acne, can literally make you miserable. Imagine having a big bump nestled right on your lower lip with other small bumps crowding your face and all the while you’re talking to someone you keep wondering : “ Is this person looking at the bump…?”

Perhaps you may have tried everything from the popular products advertised on TV, to the over the counter drugs at the local pharmacy. Believe me, I have and NOTHING worked, on the contrary, they made matters worse.

I tried exfoliating, using a mask, applying astringents, creams. My roommate literally had to yell once: “What’s with all this ‘make-up’ like you are a Vegas show-girl?”
It would be an understatement to say my experience with acne was horrible.

I had just about given up hope and decided to accept the myths that maybe just maybe it was in my genes or as my pastor at the time said: “It was God’s will for me…” but, it was right around this time that I stumbled upon an associate whose conversation with me that day forever changed my life-at least in regards to dealing with acne.

He asked what I was using to control the acne and if you are a sufferer, you may know the feeling that arises within when someone brings up the subject of your malady. I got defensive and mentioned the product I was using rather snappily. He kept right on and as if sensing my discomfort, assured me he was only trying to help.

He introduced me to juice fasting as a therapeutic measure of healing (not the religious practice I thought it was) and also discussed facial massaging and how to properly cleanse the face. I was intrigued by these methods for the following reasons

1. They were natural
2. They cost little or nothing
3. They made the most sense

After trying each of the methods simultaneously, within about 3 or 4 days, I was relieved of the acne and even the razor bumps I also had. If felt good to be able to walk into the office and know that the girls were looking at me admirably and it was also a relief to know this horrendous mask was finally taken off me!

Years later after learning more about Naturopathy, Yoga and diet, I decided to dedicate a page on my website to offer this free information on how to cure acne naturally to my readers and am now including some of the tips in this article.

1. If you want to control your acne; you must make a change in your diet now.
This will not only clear up your skin, but will increase your all around health and well-being. A suggested diet will be a mucus-less diet comprising of raw and cooked Fruits, Leafy and Root vegetables augmented with a fast of some type. Remember the quote by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine: “Let your foods be your medicine as nature heals ALL diseases!”

2. I can boldly say rid yourself of all topical and ingested drugs you are using to control acne as they only- from my experience- make matters worse.

3. Learn how to massage the face. You can type up facial massaging in your favorite search engine or simply view the free instructions and photos on my site. (Thank Goodness for the internet eh…?)

4. Change your pillowcase daily.

5. Steer clear of using microwaves. My anecdote on this device is in the same section mentioned in tip #3.

6. Engage in some form of vigorous exercise. This not only makes you fitter and healthier but aids tip #1 in detoxifying the skin, this being the second most important eliminating organ next to the lungs as stated by Dr. Stanley Burroughs, the author of the Master Cleanser.

In applying these steps above, you will definitely notice a drastic improvement in your skin. You too can cure your acne naturally without drugs and expensive visits to the dermatologists; you only need to be shown how.

If one way is true, it is the way of Nature.

Secrets To Finding The Right Beginner Yoga Class For You

When you are new to Yoga you are probably going to be uncertain as to what to expect when you first enter a beginner Yoga Class on your first day. Most people are uncertain about what they should even be looking for in a beginner Yoga class, so this article will let you in on the four secrets to finding the right class for you.

Secret Number One: Decide on what you want to achieve before choosing a style.

The number of different reasons for taking up Yoga is usually at least as high as the number of new people in a Yoga class. Broadly people will be looking for one of three things – physical health, mental health or spiritual health. All three are important and all three are realistic goals in a Yoga class. Whatever it is you are trying to achieve through Yoga there will be a class and style that is suitable for you. You can research in a library, online or even by asking various Yogi and this will hep you find the Yoga that will get the best result for you.

It’s worth actually setting some solid goals and many newcomers are surprised at how willing a Yoga instructor is to talk over these goals with them and discuss whether they are realistic or an alternative may be better suited.

Secret Number Two: Join a class-by-class program

These are sometimes referred to as drop in classes, or pay as you go. These are a good way of getting a feel for Yoga. There will be a regular turnover of other students in the classes and the contrasting level will mean the instructor will keep the classes at a relatively mild level and give everyone a taste of many different aspects of Yoga.

The advantage of this method is of course that you are not committed to an expensive series of classes and you can get a taster for Yoga and see what types of Yoga interest you. You will also quickly learn whether the goals you set earlier are realistic for you, or even too low and need expanding upon.

Your next step will be to choose a series of classes in the areas that you found most suitable from the drop in classes. These classes will build on each other from week to week and you may find yourself behind if you miss a week.

Secret Number Three: Ensure that you are being taught by someone who knows what they are doing.

Surprisingly enough considering the relatively low intensity and the many physical benefits, Yoga has begun to regularly show up on the statistics for sports injuries. Two key causes are identified. Firstly students pushing themselves too fast too soon, and secondly instructors with inadequate training or appreciation of the individual level of their students(large classes are sometimes to blame for this).

When you are considering a new class don’t be embarrassed to ask your Yoga instructor what their qualifications and background are. Many ‘instructors have nothing more than a three day training course in ‘gym yoga’ and many people put this in the ‘enough knowledge to be dangerous category’. Traditionally a student would train for many years under a guru before they would be considered fit to pass on even the simplest of Yoga techniques to another novice.

The Yoga Alliance is a United States organisation that features a register of teaches who have completed ‘appropriate’ training. This means having completed courses that meet a certain standard. A nice rule to work by is that less than 200 hours of instruction would mean a part time Yoga education.

Secret Number Four: Be aware of hidden costs.

An unpleasant surprise that can put people right off Yoga is turning up to the first class and finding that there are expenses that they haven’t allowed for. Some studio’s require each student to have their own mat, a special strap or other props. Some classes will work through a book which you are obliged to buy and some classes will have a dress code ranging from specific colours to specific articles of clothing. Being unaware of any of these things and being refused your first class because of them can be very off-putting.

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